Screaming on hair how to remove

Screaming on hair how to remove

Many women dream of changing their appearance. That is why they paint their hair, make makeup and tattoo. But staining or timing of hair does not always give the expected result. Locks burned by aggressive chemicals look unhearsally and have a yellow shade. In this article we will tell how to get rid of yellowness on the hair.

Special masks

In boxes with paints, some manufacturers put a special mask. It has a blue shade that "interrupts" the yellowness. Such a means allows you to make hair platinum. If there is no such means in the box with your painting composition, it can be purchased separately. Professional hair care lines produce a special series for blondes. As part of such masks, not only proteins for hair restoration, but also pigments that allow you to get rid of yellowness.

Sandy shampoo

You can kill yellowness using a sample shampoo. Choose platinum tones. At the same time, you need to prepare a mixture of 3 parts of a conventional shampoo and 1 part of the toning. Please note that the hair wash agent should be purple or silver pigment. It is they who eliminate the yellow shade. Ugly yellow color eliminate special shampoos for gray hair. They can be purchased at the pharmacy. Try not to overdo it with a shadowal agent, otherwise the hair will become light purple.

Screaming on hair how to remove

We protect color

Please note any noble light shade with time is washed off, and the hair becomes yellow. So that this does not happen, it is not necessary to use tonic or shampoo. You can resort to the help of a hairdresser and make hair lamination. It must be carried out after staining. With the help of a special composition, each hairs is "searched" into a special film, which creates a mixture of proteins. Thus, the ash or platinum shade is not washed away, which prevents the appearance of yellowness.

Folk methods for the elimination of yellowness

Consider folk methods with which you can remove yellowing with hair.

Mask with honey

Cracked honey perfectly whitens strands and eliminates yellowness. You can use it if you do not have a shampoo and tonic. Preheat a glass of honey on a water bath. It should be warm and liquid. Lower the curls in honey, and then distribute the dying mixture over the entire length of the hair. To honey not a drip, wrap the tips of the foil, and the whole head of the food film. Put on a warm hat. Walking with honey on hair you need 1-3 hours. From time to time, repeat the procedure.

Screaming on hair how to remove

Mask with rhubber

You will need the root of the plant. Grind it on the grater and two spoons of chips pour 0.5 liters of white wine. Put the saucepan on the fire and boil the mixture until it decreases twice. This decoction needs to rinse curls after washing.

Screaming on hair how to remove

Mask with kefir and egg

Take 50 g kefir and pour 50 g of vodka and a spoonful of shampoo into it. Put the mixture on fire a little breakdown. Add to the mixture of the egg and juice of the lemon. Keep in mind if the mixture is very hot, the egg will come. Distribute the mask evenly on the hair and keep 30 minutes. After that, thoroughly.

Screaming on hair how to remove

Do not use for the elimination of yellow decoction chamomile. This may aggravate the situation. Use proven means.

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Vika 21/01/2020 at 17:57

I am with a yellowish easily cope with the shampoo and masks for blondes of horsepower. Hair acquire a pleasant pearl hue

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