Powder for hair volume how to use

Powder for hair volume how to use

Powder for hair styling - a new tool for styling, which can be used to create voluminous hair. Earlier this substance was used only by experienced stylists and hairdressers, but now the powder to give hair volume, you can use at home. How to do it, we will tell further.

types of powder

Initially to determine the type of powder. It is a flickering effect or matte. To create daily use hair matting agent, it does not leave a greasy, so the curls stay fresh longer. If you are going to a party, get a vehicle with sequins. This will complement your look and make hair gleaming.

How to use the tool

There are two methods of applying the substance:

  • right on the parting of the bottle;
  • rub with your fingertips means the hair roots.

Keep in mind, if you apply the material directly from the jar, do not overdo it. This will make your hair greasy at the roots. Get rid of the surplus only after washing curls. You may have more than once soaping head. Therefore, spread along the parting powder and thoroughly comb the hair towards the ends. Now with a round hairbrush Lift up the curls, starting from the line of their growth. A few minutes later you get gorgeous volume, which continue until the end of the day.

Powder for hair volume how to use

Some masters are advised to pour the powder on your fingers and then rub it into the hair roots. This will not overdo it with the means for styling. Keep in mind, this stacker substance suitable for short length hair. Very long hair is quite heavy, so they need to nail styling strong fixation.

Powder for hair volume how to use

Tips for using the powder:

  • try to pour a means to the hair in small portions;
  • it is not necessary to carry out several days laying using powder without washing the hair;
  • it dries the hair styling products, so do not get carried away;
  • after applying the powder, there is no need to additionally fix the hairstyle of varnish;
  • try to make styling with a powder before you wear clothes, as the surplus substances will remain on your dress.

Powder for hair volume how to use


Now on the market you can find professional cosmetics and a more affordable option. One of the best are OSIS products, but its cost is quite high. Therefore, if the family budget does not allow you to spend huge money for the purchase of styling funds, buy a TAFT or GOT2B powder. If you have very long and thick hair, you can not spend money on the purchase of this tool.

Powder for hair volume how to use

Colored powders

With their help, you can select individual strands and give hairstyle of uniqueness. Youth and adolescents who want to stand out from the crowd acquire such products. But if you plan to make a timing, but still do not dare, try to see the result using the color powder for the chapels.

Free-ship-4-color-TV-Hair Tool-Hair-Powder-Color-Hair-Disposable-Temporary-Hair Chalk

Read the instructions before applying. Do not apply a lot of powder. Try to avoid getting substances on the tips. Preferably after applying the means to wash curls with shampoo. This prevents the appearance of dandruff.

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