How to get rid of the smell of mouth

How to get rid of the smell of mouth

An unpleasant smell of mouth can significantly pount your life. Even employees and friends may not communicate with you, while embarrassed to point out to your problem. Apply the palm very close to the open mouth and exhale right on it. If there is an unpleasant smell, then you will hear it yourself.

First of all, it is necessary to visit the dentist so that he will have a rejection of the oral cavity. Perhaps you need to put a seal or paradertosis. These teeth diseases are the most frequent reasons for unpleasant odor. Both in the cariest cavity, and in the cavities that are formed between the sick gums and teeth, the putrefactive bacteria live perfectly.


If your teeth and gums are fine, then you need to pay attention to the humidity of your oral cavity. If you often dry into your mouth, then this dryness is also a good nutrient medium for bacteria. Drink more fluid and better if it is simple water. Chew chewing gum without sugar, it stimulates salivation and at the same time is prevention of caries.

What water-drink

Naturally, you brush your teeth in the morning and in the evening. And if this procedure is done in the evening before bedtime after dinner, then in the morning, perhaps before breakfast. Take yourself a rule brushing your teeth after meals. If there is an opportunity, then do the same thing after the full dinner or light snack. Also use a special dental thread that effectively purifies the end sides of the teeth.


The collapse in the language can also cause an unpleasant smell, so it is also necessary to delete it. For such a procedure, use a brush for a language with special notches for cleaning.


After you have eaten products with a specific smell (onions, garlic, herring), shake a twig of fresh parsley, mint, coffee grains or a green apple - they all neutralize unpleasant odors.


Our grandparents saved from the unpleasant odor in the mouth by ragger of the bark of oak, which has a good disinfectant and tanning effect. For the preparation of a folk remedy, take 1 tablespoon of the crushed oak bark and pour it with 1 glass of boiling water. Boil this mixture in a water bath of 30 minutes, and then wechit the mouth of the decoction two or three times a day for 10-14 days.

An unpleasant smell of mouth is a frequent phenomenon from those people who smoke a lot, especially strong cigarettes. Try to throw this destructive habit, and if you do it very hard, then go to the easiest cigarettes in which nicotine resins are much less than in the usual.

Sometimes after visiting the dentist, the use of folk remedies and reinforced cleaning of teeth and the smell language still remains. Then you should go to another medical specialist - a gastroenterologist. An unpleasant smell of mouth often accompanies the diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

In order not to bring your mouth to the state when the surrounding tries close to you do not fit, watch your health. In addition to hygienic procedures, in order to prevent profile medical professionals at least once a year. Try to eat more solid vegetables and fruits. They are also useful for health and perfectly clean your teeth due to their acidic medium and coarse fiber.

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Agatha 10/26/2019 at 22:25

The reason for the unpleasant smell can be caries, holes in the teeth, so it is better to immediately visit the dentist and check all the teeth. I in the dental clinic of Dr. Razimno cured her teeth. Last year, it was completely all sad and the smell was also present. Now the picture is completely different) all the teeth cured, the channels cleaned, the seals staged a full order! In the clinic, the newest equipment was nice to go to walk, never hurt and nice staff. Let the family budget devastly devastated, but the teeth should be fine! Agree with me?

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Helena 30/10/2019 at 10:02.

The smell of mouth can be due to problems with the gums, the doctor spoke to me. Yes, I myself know, just clogged, so immediately smells unpleasantly even in the mouth. Therefore, I immediately start to use the rinse, plus the gums treating the gel holisal, it helps inflammation and pain relieve and after a few days there are completely different sensations in the mouth.

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