Prevention of dental caries

Prevention of dental caries

Teeth are the most durable formation of our body. They perform an important function of biting and facing food. Also, the teeth represent their important aesthetic element of our body. A beautiful smile decorates any person, and when problems with the teeth, she loses his gloss and immediately striking. If you do not follow the condition of your oral cavity, it is very easy to spoil your teeth, and at the same time their function and beauty smile. There are several factors that particularly affect the occurrence of carious change in teeth.

Stages of dental caries

It all starts with white or dark spots that affect only the most surface enamel balls. The treatment of caries needs to be engaged in this stage. If this is not done, the process will start switching to deeper balls. In the second stage, the upper balls of dentin are affected and you can already notice the beginning of the formation of destruction. The third stage is characterized by the defeat of the middle balls of dentin. Begins to increase the sensitivity of the teeth when consuming cold or hot food. At the last stage, carious changes reach the pulp, where the vessels and the nerves of the tooth are located. This leads to the occurrence of dental pain even in the interruptions between eating foods.

Destruction of bacteria will help to warn the dental caries

In our oral cavity constantly there is a large number of diverse bacteria. Most of them are located in the language and the inner surfaces of the jubule, which you need to remember when rehanging the oral cavity. But the greatest harm brings bacteria that are located on the surface of the teeth.

After eating on the dental enamel, the remains of food remain. They are an ideal nutrient medium for the bacteria of the oral cavity. Right food residues, bacterial cells produce different acids that increase the acidity of the oral cavity. Dental enamel is sensitive to such drops of acid alkaline balance. It starts the processes of demineralization, leading to gradual destruction of teeth.

It is better to use an electric toothbrush. Her head produces a lot of movements per unit of time, which improves the quality of physical cleaning of dental enamel. You also need to have separate brushes for cleaning the language and shy, not to cut bacteria on the oral cavity. But even the most innovative toothbrush will not clean all the corners of the teeth. To this end, a flush tooth thread is perfectly coping. After all these manipulations, it is necessary to rinse the oral oily cavity, which will finally clean all the surfaces. Bacteria also multipliate on the toothbrushes, so they need to be thoroughly flush and stored in sterile conditions.

Fluorine will help warn the development of dental caries

This is one of the elements of the structure of the tooth, which is responsible for their strength. Its main part enters our body with water. Therefore, you need to know the fluorine content in the water of your area. With its low concentration, choose toothpastes with fluoride. It will strengthen the dental enamel and prevent carious changes in the teeth. But if the fluorine concentration in water is high, it can lead to the formation of fluorosis, in which teeth also destroy. Visually, it can be confused with white spots of caries.
Fluoro Pasta

Preventive trips to the dentist will help prevent dental caries

The dentist is able to detect the development of caries in the earliest stages, as well as in the unavailable observation of places. You need to visit it at least 2 times a year. It is better to always contact one specialist so that it can follow the process dynamics and correlate the recommendations.
There is another very important reason for which you need to follow your teeth. Carious teeth are a chronic focus of infection, where bacteria can be dealt from all over the body. In almost any organ, serious inflammation may arise, and the reason will be buried in bad teeth. Therefore, if you have already allowed the development of dental caries, immediately consult a dentist to preserve your teeth and discontinue the organism to bacteria.

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