Teeth whitening soda

Teeth whitening soda

Despite the fact that today there is a mass of modern ways to make your smile snow-white, many people still use the old ways of teeth whitening. For example, with the help of food soda. But does this method really can compete with dental clinics, and how safe is it? We will try to find answers to these questions.

How is the soda in relation to teeth whitening

Soda is an abrasive substance because it is microscopic crystals. It is in this that it is the principle of operation of sodium bicarbonate as a teeth bleach - it cleans the surface of the teeth mechanically. That is, with a "close" interaction with the dental enamel of Soda, everything that has accumulated in the process of "operation" of the teeth is accumulated from it. In this case, the visual result of soda cleaning the teeth can be seen fairly quickly - after 2-3 procedures. At the same time, it still has a refreshing and anti-inflammatory effect.

What you need to know about teeth whitening

In such a way, a natural tint has a lot of advantages to return the teeth, but be sure to consider some of its features, ignorance or ignoring which can lead to sad consequences. The main "underwater stone" of such a cleaning of teeth from the plaque: soda abrasive with pollution removes part of the top layer of enamel. This in turn can cause caries and increased sensitivity of teeth to thermal stimuli (cold or hot food, beverages). In addition, the whitening of the teeth of food soda can be reflected in the state of the oral cavity - cause irritation, allergies, the bleeding of the gum.

How to whiten teeth soda in pure form

The easiest way to return the teeth "chic and shine" with the help of food soda is to use it in original form, that is, in the form of a powder or in the form of an aqueous solution. And in the first, and in the second case, several "instruments" can be applied to apply abrasive to the teeth: toothbrush, cosmetic disk or tampon (gauze or cotton). If you want to whiten the teeth with a soda solution, moisten in it the selected "tool" and gently spend cleaning. In a situation with dry soda, a brush, a disk or tampon is pre-moisten in water. You can pour abrasive directly to your toothpaste with normal cleaning of teeth.

Teeth whitening recipe with soda and lemon juice

You can increase the whitening effect of soda by adding fresh lemon juice. Such a procedure is very simple and from the foregoing method differs only by the fact that the selected and pre-humidized "instrument" (disk, brush, tampon), in addition to soda, is applied a little lemon juice (a couple of drops). Note that such a recipe combines two aggressive components with respect to dental enamel - soda abrasiveness and lemon acid. Therefore, with a truly visible effect, but unlimited use, the mass can very much damage your teeth.

Teeth whitening soda and hydrogen peroxide

Another way to catalyze the whitening effect of soda on the teeth is to add hydrogen peroxide into it. The ingredients are mixed so that in the end you have a homogeneous mass. You can strengthen such a recipe for the addition of lemon, adhering to strict proportions: peroxide - 5 drops, soda and lemon juice - by ½ tsp. We warn that this recipe can be very dangerous for the integrity of the dental enamel, so use only finger to clean the teeth, and do not tighten the procedure for longer than 3 minutes. In this case, try to "bypass" the gums.

Soda + strawberry - Pleasant teeth whitening

It is possible to remove the unpleasant yellowness with the soda with soda, you can "delicious", if you add fresh strawberries to this cleaner, which also has properties whiten your teeth. To make such a cleaner composition, simply mix the softened berries and soda in the ratio: 2-3 medium strawberries are a pinch of food soda. To apply a "berry soda", you can use the brush on the teeth (only its soft options), and tampons, and discs, and finger. This remedy with respect to the above can be called soft, so after applying it can be left in the mouth for 5-10 minutes, and then just rinse.

And finally, that the effect of bleaching does not overlap the troubles, do not spend soda whitening more often 1 time in 2 weeks the course no more than 3 months, and the rinse after the procedure is performed by champions of medicinal plants (chamomiles, oak bark, immortelle). During the bleaching period, the cleaning of the teeth spend pastes for sensitive teeth using a soft brush, drink vitamins and calcium preparations.

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