How to rinse teeth soda

How to rinse teeth soda

When an acute dental pain appears, it is not always possible to immediately contact a specialist, and we have to remember all the submitted means that can eliminate pain syndrome. One of the most popular is soda, since it is in the kitchen for each mistress. An ordinary sodium bicarbonate has many medical functions that we did not even think about. But before riding the teeth of soda, you must know how to do it right to not harm the dental enamel. Consider more detailed all the features of the substance.

The main properties of soda for teeth

The soda is applied not only in the food area, it still serves as a good attending agent. Useful properties of alkali powder for teeth can be expressed in the following paragraphs:

  • antibacterial action;
  • in an alkaline medium, all the dangerous toes of microorganisms are suppressed;
  • prevention of caries;
  • bleaching effect;
  • remove contamination with dental enamel.

An important merit of soda is in its soft and gentle action for the surface of the teeth, but should not be abused by means in order not to get damage to the dental body.

Standard Tooth Rinse Procedure

To prepare the simplest soda solution, you need to use the following algorithm:

  1. A glass of water pour into a suitable container and boil for five to six minutes.
  2. Pour boiling water into a conventional mug for tea and give cool to forty degrees.
  3. Add one teaspoon of soda.
  4. Mix the solution to completely dissolve the particles.
  5. Let's give to stand five minutes, and then can be considered ready.

Rinse your mouth with this solution is recommended one or two minutes after each meal. The proportions of the alkali powder cannot be exceeded. It is necessary to conduct a procedure at least a week.

Drink water

Recipes for more efficient use of soda

In addition to the classical procedure, soda solution can be combined with other ingredients to improve the quality of cleaning the teeth and the maximum painkillers.

Soda with salt

In a glass with warm boiled water, smeared a teaspoon of soda and as many cooks. Add a couple of eucalyptus oil drops - and the solution is ready. Soda with salt creates excellent disinfection of the oral area, and the eucalyptus produces a soothing effect. Replace water is allowed by a chamomile or hypertiches.

Soda with iodom

To prepare a soda solution with iodine, we also take a glass of warm water and stir a teaspoon of soda in it. The amount of iodine in solution can be different. If we often observe blood from the roots of the teeth, then you increase the number of yeod drops to ten. For prevention, there will be enough two or three drops of substances. This liquid has a healing and restoring property.

Soda and Sage

The main function of this solution is toothbrope, it also removes acute respiratory and viral diseases. We use one glass of infusion sage. In line with half a teaspoon of soda and five drops of iodine. If you steadily perform a rinsing procedure by this tool twice a day, then you can get rid of angina.

It turns out that it is simple enough to use soda for rinse. It is important to understand that despite the naturalness of the means, the soda is a click, and long-term contact of the teeth with a caustic substance can spoil the dental enamel. Therefore, we use the substance strictly according to the instructions and be sure to adhere to all of the above recommendations.

Comments leave a comment
Nastya 11/02/2021 at 18:29

I do not see a special point in rinsing teeth with soda .... How can it strengthen his teeth? I think that in no way. If we are talking about strengthening teeth and bones, there is nothing better than calcium and can not be. I myself accept calcium chelats from Evalar. He has a good dosage and absorbability too. There are no problems with the teeth for a long time that it cannot but rejoice.

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