How to wash your head soda

How to wash your head soda

Ordinary shampoos, a huge selection of which is available on the shelves, in addition to purification, applies to our hair a certain damage due to non-stabilizers and concentrates. Washing the head with soda is one of the alternative procedures for the care of a challenge, which does not provide side effects. At the same time, it will not be further familiar with the right use of this food product.

What is important to know before applying soda

The process of washing the hair of soda will become more efficient if you use some important principles:

  • Alkaline powder should not be overdue, so always check its shelf life.
  • The temperature in which the soda is divorced is not important.
  • At the initial stages of application, it was recommended to adhere to a five percent soda solution, gradually increasing the dose to two tablespoons on a glass of water.
  • The process of washing is better to start from two minutes and also gradually increase, but not much.

Cooking soda solution

In order to prepare a soda liquid for hair washing, it is enough just to stir two tablespoons of soda in a glass of warm water - and the solution is ready. Before applying on the hair, we shake a slightly liquid and wait for the complete dissolution of the particles. If we are dealing with a very long chapel, then this amount may not be enough, so we leave a jar with soda, so that at any time in the process of washing a new soda solution. The addition of a teaspoon of a colorless shampoo from natural components or spoons of olive oil is allowed.

Scale hair wash

To properly wash the hair with soda, perform the following actions:

  1. Before applying a soda solution, the head is additionally not mine.
  2. We apply a liquid to the hair, starting with the roots, and distribute the hair around the entire perimeter.
  3. Smooth movements we rub the mixture in the roots and rub in the rest of the hair.
  4. Introduce the hair in water temperature, it is possible with the addition of a small dose of lemon juice or vinegar.
  5. We wipe your hair with a soft towel and apply a non-large nutrient cream.
  6. We repeat the process no earlier than three days, because the hair purified by pybely polluted slowly.
  7. With stable use of soda, instead of shampoo, the head of the head will have to perform more and less. It will be enough to use the means once a week.

After the soda procedure, the hair will be fixed significantly, become silky and elastic. And most importantly, the soda perfectly cleanse them from any type of contamination and excess of skin fat. Therefore, the washing of hair with this alkaline means is equal to the full purification of strands along with the possibilities of ordinary shampoos.

Additional functions of soda when washing hair

If we have already decided to abandon shampoos, replacing them into soda, then you need to pay attention to the additional features of the alkaline agent:

  • protection of color painted hair;
  • whitening effect, especially in combination with honey and lemon;
  • if the soda blend hold on the hair more than half an hour, it will cleanse the lap from the old paint.


Despite all the useful properties of soda, it is a chemical powder. Therefore, there are a number of contraindications for the use of the substance:

  • The presence of wounds and injuries on the scalp.
  • Unimportant hair condition. Soda may damage them if they are physically exhausted, brittle, secant or thin in structure.
  • Hautes with chemical twigs.
  • Allergy to an alkaline environment.
  • Cardiovascular diseases.
  • Various skin infections, seborrhea.

Now we know how to properly wash the hair to the soda solution. It turns out that to maintain hair purity, it is not necessary to use shampoos, because the soda is a worthy and effective substitute for popular cleansing hair products. Let our hair keep their beauty and health for a long time.

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