How to get rid of dandruff on the head

How to get rid of dandruff on the head

Dandruff is observed in 30% of people. Treatment is recommended to start from a visit to a trichologist, but you can try to solve this problem yourself.

Cause of the appearance of dandruff

Doctors call several reasons for the appearance of white particles:

  • Experts argue that dandruff - dead skin particles. Cells of the skin are updated in 25-30 days, but in some cases the period is reduced to 6-8 days. As a result, many particles are collected on the head.
  • As a result of the workflow of the sebaceous glands, the selection of skin fat is enhanced. The head of the head is rapidly contaminated, the cover begins to peel.
  • Dandruff may have fungal origin, if they do not get rid of the fungus, there is a serious damage to the skin - seborrheic dermatitis.

Treatment soap

The soap is present alkali, which destroys dandruff, but with long use of some detergents you can damage the hair:

  • Economic soap is rich in fatty acids that eliminate the skin from dandruff, and also has healing properties. For the procedure, dissolve soap in water and beat the foam, wash your head only with soap solution. For the treatment of the household soap, use every seven days. For prevention, wash your head once every three weeks.
  • Degtyar soap does not cause allergies, you can use daily. Water your head, apply soap on your hair, scatter well and foam. After a few minutes, wash the soap and lubricate your head with a bottle or nutritional mask. Course - two weeks.

Aspirin mask

Scroll through 2 tablets of ordinary aspirin (not a hip), add a portion of the shampoo sufficient for one-time washing. Mix with head in the scalp and leave for 10 minutes. After the procedure, thoroughly wash your head. Controls so that there are no aspirin on the hair, it can burn her hair.

Lemon mask

Cut the skin with several lemons. Fill it with a liter of water, boil and cook for another 20 minutes. The decoction will cool down and strain. Hair rinse along the entire length. Repeat the procedure once a week.

Nasture nettle

Finely cut 5 tbsp. l. nettle, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and vinegar (6 percent). Conid with content Put on a water bath. After 10 minutes, retain the solution and let cool. Straighten the tincture and rinse the hair. For the procedure, the shampoo is not needed. Course treatment - 10 days.

Soda mortar

Dissolve in a glass of warm water 1 tbsp. l. Soda and a drop of rosemary oil (you can any other). Before use, all thoroughly shake. Wash the head with a mixture every day until the dandruff disappearance. Soda gently exfoliates dead fabrics, kills fungus. It restores the natural fat balance on the scalp.

Aloe from Perchot

Take a large flesh leaf from the plants and squeeze juice from it. In front of the shower, apply pressed juice on the skin. Do not wash your liquid hour. Course spend constantly, at least 3 times a week, then dandruff will disappear quickly. Another positive effect - the hair grows faster.


Using high-quality shampoo

As part of the shampoos of famous brands there are substances capable of dealing with dandruff:

  • Cytostatics - increase the timing of skin renewal.
  • Keratolics - help remove dead tissue.
  • Vitamins - saturated with tissue with utilities.
  • Antiggribovy - kill the fungus and do not give it to multiply.

Dandruff prevention

In order for the head, dandruff formed, follow the following advice:

  • Sat the skin with vitamins - wash the head of herbal braids.
  • Properly manifest - do not abuse acute and fatty food.
  • Carefully take care of the hair - wash them regularly and only with high-quality means.

The choice of means to combat dandruff depends on the individual characteristics of the person. Some to get rid enough to cure a cold or replace shampoo, and even a special shampoo does not help. Therefore, begin treatment with the simplest procedures, the visit to the doctor is not always profitable.

Comments leave a comment
Tanya 25/11/2018 at 12:35

If dandruff is caused by fungus, the shampoo Horse Fors Forte will help. It contains ketoconazole, which eliminates the fungus and itching the scalp

Anna 22/01/2020 at 16:41

With my shampoo, Horse Fors Forte Drain quickly passed. And even the hair became not so fat, as usual

Vlada 10/01/2021 at 22:19

If the dandruff is fat, then it is necessary to use sedodatic shampoos from it. This includes pharmacy shampoo naphtaderm based on naphthalan oil. I have passed from him and dandruff, and the hair stopped quickly gush. Previously, I had to wash my head every morning, and now after washing the hair for 3-4 days remain clean.


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