How to get rid of subcutaneous acne

How to get rid of subcutaneous acne

When subcutaneous pimple appears, there is only one desire - it is quickly to get rid of it. However, you do not need to hurry and do everything that the grandmother will say, a girlfriend or someone else. In improper treatment, the situation can only be aggravated. The subcutaneous pimple is dangerous in that the mouth can break through, then the pus will fall into nearby fabrics, and possibly in blood.

Determination of subcutaneous acne

The subcutaneous pimple is the accumulation of a large volume of pus in the inflamed grades of the sebaceous glands. Many believe that subcutaneous acne arise only in adolescents, but it is not. Many adults are often faced with this problem. It arises due to an increase in the level of androgens (male hormones), which cause excessive formation of skin salts. It accumulates and clogs the greasy ducts, as a result of which inflammation develops in them.

What can not be done when the subcutaneous acne appears

  • Apply cosmetics over acne.
  • Purify acne needle.
  • Squeeze acne.
  • Throw hands.
  • Protect inflammation.

Treatment of subcutaneous acne

  • Make aloe compresses for the night. Cut the sheet and attach the pulp to the inflamed across, fix the compress the plaster.
  • Lubricate inflamed acne every three hours of tea tree oil - it will remove the inflammation and gradually dry the skin.
  • If the acne is large and very painful, lubricate it with ointment levomecole overnight. This is an anti-inflammatory antibacterial agent.
  • Make a cleansing mask. Mixion, honey and oil, resulting on the mixture on the stove, boil and add flour. It turns out a mass similar to plasticine. Over the mask to inflamed areas. Tool Store in the refrigerator.
  • Distribute ten trichopol tablets and two levomycin tablets in powder, mix with the calendula tincture and lubricate subcutaneous acne with this mixture.

Prevention of subcutaneous acne

  • During the month, drink one glad on the day of the nettle. The result is the cleansing of the body from slags, improving metabolism, and, as a result, the risk of subcutaneous acne will be minimized.
  • Process your skin after washing with boiled water and lemon juice.
  • Salt the skin cleaning. To do this, take your cotton swab, plunge it into camphor alcohol, and then in a salt and food soda. With this tampon, wipe the face with massage movements, in ten minutes they will work, and then apply a mask from cottage cheese on my face.
  • Use baths with sea salt 2 times a week.

Know that the skin you need to care constantly, and not when problems appeared, especially it concerns people with oily skin. Good luck to all!

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