How to get rid of acne quickly

How to get rid of acne quickly

A pimple may appear at a very inappropriate moment, usually the need to get rid of it as quickly as possible. A small redness on the skin, noticed at any time of the day, resort and mood, and appearance. There are means that will help the pimple to disappear quickly.

How to get rid of acne quickly - Salicyl Acid

If you get rid of the cause that causes pimples, it must quickly get away. Salicylic acid is excellent with this problem copes - kills bacteria causing acne. A small amount of acid with a cotton waller applies around redness and the pimple itself.

How to get rid of acne quickly - ice

Ice, by applying to acne, activates blood circulation. Due to this, all the extra dirt and fat from the skin will be removed. It also reduces inflammation. Attach ice to the skin for a few seconds, then remove for a couple of minutes, repeat the process. For greater efficiency, harvest ice with calming herbs (for example, calendula, chamomile).

How to get rid of acne quickly - toothpaste

With the help of toothpaste you in a short time significantly reduce the size of the acne. To the selection of pasta, take care carefully, be sure to choose white, with silicon dioxide (gel will not help). Read the composition. If sodium lauryl sulfate is present in the paste, then the effect will be reverse, the paste will cause skin irritation. Pasta apply for a short on the pimple itself, then rinse with water.

How to get rid of acne quickly - soda

Soda is a fairly universal means that is always at hand. A teaspoon of soda mix with water, apply this mixture on a problem zone. During a couple of minutes, the mixture will dry up, after that everything is well wash off.

How to get rid of acne quickly - cucumber

Cucumber has a soothing effect on the skin. From the cucumber make a mask, pulling it onto the grater, lay out on the pimples for ten minutes.

How to get rid of acne quickly - tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is an excellent antibacterial agent. A little oil apply on your cotton wand and lubricate the pimple.

How to get rid of acne quickly - lemon juice

Very thoroughly dry acne and quickly eliminates lemon juice. Watted tampon with fresh lemon juice attach shortness to redness. If there is no time to squeeze the juice, cut off the lemon slice and attach to redness for ten seconds - the inflammation will take off.

Do not despair if you saw acne in my skin in the mirror. Due to the fact that there are rapid ways to get rid of them, now no redness will overshadow you.

Comments leave a comment
Anna 03/16/2018 at 20:09

I also have acne, I do not know what to remove them.

To answer
Irina 03/18/2018 at 14:10

It's one thing when one pimple just jumped up, which is not about me at all, I have a problem problem for a long time. I saves daily quality cleansing - milk, tonic, a couple of times a week scrub. The cosmetologist also try to attend as far as possible, and by the way, she advises enterosgel to drink, it takes toxins from the intestine, which also cause acne on the face. And no Food Food, it is generally banned.

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Lisa 06/05/2018 at 0:38.

Despairing in search of a response to the question: how to buy beautiful smooth and clean skin? I found the same good dermatologist and the main proper decision. Searches honestly were long. All who tried to cure my skin prescribed me some loose garbage. And Vladimir Viktorovich, thank you very much, I appointed to me aknecan. Actually exactly the acnekanol and became the right decision))

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