Acne in the neckline zone how to get rid of

Acne in the neckline zone how to get rid of

Acne and acne rash - unpleasant phenomena, accompanying most teenagers. Very ugly, when redness and acne arise on the face. People are calmer than you can hide with clothes on your chest. So that you always remain attractive and could wear any outfit, we will tell how to get rid of acne in the neckline zone.

Allergy and stress

Not always redness and inflammation on the chest arise for the same reason as on the face. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe neckline and near the ribs there are many nervous endings that can react to a change in temperature or stress. In the summer, small pimples in the form of rash appear due to sweat. Usually, such a phenomenon brings a lot of trouble with complete people or workers who, due to the peculiarities of their profession, are forced to wear synthetic clothing. The skin does not breathe in it, and the pores are clogged with their own fat and then. To get rid of rash, wear natural underwear under work clothes or T-shirt.

Acne in the neckline zone how to get rid of

If you have never appeared before you, I never appeared in the neckline zone, and on the eve you worried about, do not be discouraged. Acne will be held in a couple of days, they are the consequence of stress. It is not necessary to treat such education on the skin, they pass by themselves.

If you are very sensitive to food, then rash can appear on a new or poor-quality food product. For a while, exclude red fruits and vegetables from the diet. Try to eat less carbohydrate food. Replace sweets and pasta products from solid varieties of wheat or cereals. The diet very often helps to clean the skin.

Acne in the neckline zone how to get rid of

Violation in the work of the sexual system

In women, pimples on the chest or under it can occur due to violation of the hormonal background. If the rash is accompanied by a novel pain at the bottom of the abdomen, and before the monthly more than a week, contact the gynecologist. Such symptoms are observed in patients with endometriosis and uterine hyperplasia. Acne in this case is the answer to the lack of progesterone. To disappear rash, it is necessary to cure a gynecological disease. Combined oral contraceptives or progestin are usually helping.

Quite often, acne in the zone decollet appears during pregnancy. Mine hormones. After the birth of the child, the hormonal background will come back to normal, and all the formation will disappear. Treat acne during pregnancy is not needed.

Acne in the neckline zone how to get rid of

Skin care

Another reason for the occurrence of acne is the wrong skin care. This is possible due to the use of one towel for wiping face and body. If you have acne on your face, get a separate towel for him, since you carry bacteria from the affected skin to healthy. There is no need to wipe acne on the chest with tonic or antiseptics. The skin in the neckline zone is very thin and gentle, so you cut it with similar means. Try to use antiseptics point.

Acne in the neckline zone how to get rid of

Take a shower every day with a soft gel or bathing foam. Do not trite with a washboard. Gently massage it with palms and rinse the detergent. Get out the skin with a soft towel and apply a moisturizing cream. Daily cleaning and nutrition will help quickly get rid of acne in the neckline.

It has favorably affects the health of the skin of the face and body a contrast shower. It helps to open the pores and softly flushes all pollution. If you have serious diseases of the endocrine system, then it will not be possible to get rid of acne until you defeat the main ailment.

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