How to get rid of pigment spots on the body

How to get rid of pigment spots on the body

Process appearance of pigment spots are usually called excess or deficiency of melanin in the body. They can appear as a result of age-related changes in certain areas of the skin. Quite often, the pigmentation is formed after sun that provoked the influence of ultraviolet rays on the skin. There are many effective ways to folk to help deal with pigment spots.

A visit to the beauty salon

To quickly remove dark spots on the body without difficulty, contact a specialized beauty salon. Experts suggest to fix them using a laser or ultrasound piling.. We do not recommend the use of chemical peeling, as chemicals can provoke unwanted processes that lead to negative consequences.


Removal of pigment stains using lemon

Lemon juice helps to whiten and will successfully get rid of no aesthetic age spots on the skin. Dilute 50 ml of water about 20 ml of lemon juice. Wipe with a mixture of problem areas. Provided long-term use have a chance to remove unwanted pigmentation. You can also add a few drops of lemon juice in a nourishing cream, it will give a whitening effect.


Whitening mask with parsley

Whitening mask do of leaves of parsley, you can use the stems and roots. Parsley crush convenient way: you can crush a mortar, grind blender or a meat grinder. The resulting mixture if desired, adding 1 honey. Next we put the mask on for 30 minutes to clean skin. After wash off with water, we put a nourishing cream. Owners of dry skin is recommended in the mixture, add a spoonful of sour cream or heavy cream. In this way, we obtain a universal whitening and nourishing agent.

Decoction of parsley with lemon

Effectively removes pigment stains of decoction with lemon juice and root parsley. Parsley root can be prepared in water, add juice of one squeezed lemon. We wipe the problem areas in the morning and in the evening.

Lotion on alcohol with parsley

For the preparation of the lotion we take 0.5 liters of vodka and parsley leaves - 50 grams. Pour parsley with vodka, leave it in a dark place for 2 weeks. Fix the finished lotion and put in the refrigerator for further storage. Using a cotton disk, we carefully wipe the face of the face 2 times a day.

Cucumber alcohol lotion

Cucumber lotion is ideal for greasy skin. For its preparation, we rub 1 cucumber and press juice. We add vodka in the proportion of 1: 1 and leave it for 2 days. We apply for 15 minutes cotton discs, moistened in lotion on the affected areas of the skin. After 5 minutes, we change the compress for the new one. We repeat the procedure three times. Use the cucumber lotion is recommended for a month.

Mask yeast from pigmentation

Effective home recipe: We take fresh yeast (a quarter of a small packaging), add a lemon spoon and 1 spoonful of milk. Mix ingredients to homogeneity. We put in a warm place for about 10 minutes to fermentation. We apply to the skin for 20 minutes, after which we wash the water. The procedure is 2-3 times a week.

By choosing the suitable way to get rid of pigment stains, it is possible to get rid of the problem. To avoid Recurious when the skin tends to the regular appearance of pigmentation should be limited to the period of staying in the sun. In the summer you need to constantly use sunscreen.

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