How to remove stains on your arms

How to remove stains on your arms

Spots on hand may appear due some skin diseases, after treatment acne on her armsor due to enhanced pigmentation. In this article we will talk about pigmentation, which is essentially an ordinary cosmetic defect, but manifests itself under certain conditions.

Why pigment spots arise in the hands

Pigment stains are mostly appearing or in people who oversail a fifty-year-old border, or in pregnant women. And in that, and in another case, this is due to some deviations from the rate of hormonal background. As a result of his minor change in the epidermis (outer layer of the skin), melanin accumulates, which is the coloring pigment in the human body. If the spots on the hands arose in people who are not related to the two described groups, then they should pay attention to their health. Spots may appear due to:

  • liver diseases;
  • diseases of the urogenital system;
  • some female diseases, such as dysfunction of ovarian or inflammatory processes;
  • disorders in the work of the thyroid gland;
  • the deficit in the body of vitamin C.

In addition to diseases, the stains on the hands can be caused by the reception of any hormonal tablets, the effect on the hands of chemicals or the use of dubious quality creams.

Can I get rid of pigment spots

Get rid of pigment stains on hands is quite possible. To do this, it is worth finding out the reason for their occurrence and eliminate it. It is understood to cure one or another disease, with the help of a doctor to choose a more sparing hormonal contraceptive, change the cream for hands, with any contact with aggressive environments to use protective gloves. If the stains in the hands remain unclear etiology, they can be removed using special bleaching creams, salon procedures, or even using folk recipes. The latter will especially use pregnant women, as they are completely safe for the future mother and baby.


Many brightening hand creams contain an active ingredient called "Hydroquinone". The cream, with the content of this substance, more than 2% of the total volume, really well whiten stains. But the fact is that the hydroquinone during long-term exposure to the body can have a negative impact. It is recommended to use such creams only if the stains are very small and the apparel of the cream will be insignificant. Strongly pronounced pigment stains on their hands better handle lemon-based creams, cucumber, almonds and some other plants. An example of such effective and safe creams can be brands: Wild Siberica, Angelic Luxury, Ahava, Avon, Iluma.

Salon treatments

Salon procedures can be recommended to those women who do not help creams, or when it is necessary to get rid of the stains very urgently. These include:

  • laser grinding - spots are painlessly burned with a thin laser beam;
  • chemical peeling - the removal of stains is made by applying special safe acids on the hands;
  • laser therapy - stains disappear due to the fact that they are affected by high-intensity light pulses.

Folk remedies

Of the folk remedies, the following compounds for whitening spots on hand are best working:

  1. Single lemon juice, whipped egg squirrel, three drops of lavender oil - everything must be mixed and heat in a water bath until thickening. The mixture is applied on stains at least 2-3 times a day.
  2. 2 tablespoons of apple vinegar mix with 1 tablespoon of juice from the spoon. Apply a liquid mass on the arms overnight, on top of dressing cotton gloves.
  3. Mix 2 tbsp. l. Grease cottage cheese, 25 drops of ammonia alcohol and hydrogen peroxide. The resulting cream apply for 20 minutes daily. In order to bleach the stains intensively, it is worth putting gloves for painting hair and wrapped in a warm scarf or a thick towel.

Any household apparatus is recommended to wash off, using a parsley decoction - this affordable plant has a powerful whitening effect.

Spots on your hands better warn than then get rid of them. To do this, it is worth using protective creams, doing homemade peeling hands, wearing gloves, prevent contact with aggressive chemical compounds. Well, of course, once a year to undergo dispensarization to identify health problems.

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