Spots from acne on the back how to get rid

Spots from acne on the back how to get rid

Spots on the back from acne is a year-round problem with which everyone is faced with one way or another. However, the flaws of the skin should not force you to feel embarrassed, especially since it is possible to solve this difficulty using our advice. How to get rid of stains because of acne on the back, we will tell in our article.


The easiest way to solve is a warning reason, because the subsequent elimination of acne spots occupies a sufficiently long time interval. The fight against across acne should be started immediately, as the skin underwent stress in the future manifests itself with pigmentation in the form of redness, darkening and sinushes in those places where the defect has recently "conquered". In order to reduce and eliminate acne appearance, pay attention to such moments:

  • Hygiene. Increased seabling production and excessive sweating in tandem with bad hygiene - the first cause of the problems.
  • Cosmetics used. Soap, cream, gels can be a consequence of an allergic reaction on the skin.
  • Clothing. Synthetic fabrics, tightly adjacent and unreasonable clothing - the perpetrator of the appearance of acne on the back.
  • Unbalanced nutrition. We are what we eat.
  • The work of the internal organs. Changes in the processes of the stomach, gallbladder, intestines and liver are displayed on the appearance of our skin.
  • Hormonal imbalance. Pay attention to the work of the inner secretion.

We are looking for a professional

Back - difficult to access area of \u200b\u200bthe body, which occurred when the trouble is difficult to independently provide proper care to apply effective remedies. You will need an assistant, you will find that in the face of a professional cosmetologist. Refer to a specialist clinic. There you will be offered beauty treatments (microdermabrasion, chemical peels, darsonvalization) or laser therapy of skin resurfacing and the removal of its pigmentation. Be prepared for the fact that the clinic you have to go more than once.

We solve the problem yourself

If you are unable to visit a beautician, you can use the popular home methods, which will depend on the extent of damage of the skin. The effect of the application of such methods would be no worse than expensive salon.


Apply to the dorsal skin mask containing vitamin C (its action is directed at the skin smoothing by depriving pigmentation spots and discoloration):

  • Mix egg white (1 pc.) With lemon juice (1 tbsp. L.), Apply the resulting paste to a problem skin for 15-20 minutes.
  • Mix the tomato pulp and starch in equal proportions, apply the mixture on the pigmented areas of skin before drying masks, rinse with warm water, apply a moisturizer.
  • After a cucumber mask you do not need to moisturize the skin further. In problem areas back apply pulp grated cucumber, keep a mask for 15-20 minutes, rinse with cool water.
  • Bodyagi (1 tbsp. L.) And hydrogen peroxide (a few drops) Mix until uniform, apply spots of acne for 15-20 minutes, rinse with warm water. After this treatment the skin is red and slightly tingling - it is a normal reaction to the restoration of color and its purity.


Masks on the basis of green, white or blue clay have healing and lightening effects. Prepare any of your existing clay mass, according to the instructions, be sure to add a few drops of lemon juice and apply on pigmented skin of the back for 15-20 minutes.

Whitening tonic parsley

Prepare yourself tonic from the leaves or roots of parsley. Carefully grind the material, make a decoction from it. Fill in the special freezer molds, chill. Wipe problem skin cooked cubes. Such frozen tonic has whitening, anti-aging and skin firming properties.


Make an alcohol infusion from the Hypericum. Such a means has proven itself in the fight against acne traces. For 10 days in a dark cool place, insist 2 tbsp. l. Herbs poured with glass of alcohol. Store the resulting tool in the refrigerator, wipe them damaged skin several times a day.

Observing all these recommendations and taking advantage of our advice to eliminate defects after acne, you will soon be able to wear open clothes, demonstrating beautiful and well-groomed skin of your back.

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Yana 01/11/2018 at 16:10

Clay (clay masks) and whitening cream Achromine helps me.

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