How to remove acne on the pope

How to remove acne on the pope

Such a delicate problem as the occurrence of pimples on the pope causes inconvenience to many people, regardless of their sex and age. The main reasons for their appearance are pore blocking, reinforced keratinization, excess products of the skin and others. Excessive sweating, endocrine disorders, contact with synthetics, hormonal failure, can be taken to factors. Particularly relevant, getting rid of acne on the pope becomes on the eve of the opening of the beach season. We'll figure it out how to remove acne on the pope.

To prevent the subsequent appearance of pimples on the Pope, try to wear spacious clothes, linen choose from natural materials, do not sit with a bare-mild place on furniture made of genuine leather. Make sure that the skin does not drive, use moisturizing creams, lotions and body tonic. Avoid a sedentary lifestyle, move more. If you suffer from excessive sweating, it will be worthwhile to resort to the talc, a children's supper, especially on hot days. Try not to transfer, because cold acne is the most painful. Correct your diet, enter in it rich in vitamins D and B5, minimize the use of acute and oily foods, salt and sugar. Drink parsley juice at least a couple of times a week, eat olives and almonds.

Juice parsley

To eliminate acne on the Pope, resort to one of the most proven funds to which Dalazin, Quotlan, Zinyritis, Kleplazit C, Metrogyl, Aknebay, Syntomicin, Skinoren, Baziron, Kurizin, Tsindol. If the degree of lesion is sufficiently heavy, or the rashes are too frequent, do not tighten with the treatment to a dermatologist, which may be prescribed to you with antibiotics and retinoids to you, for example, doxycycline, to the dermatologist. It may be necessary to consult with other specialists, since the cause of acne may be hidden pathologies, metabolic disorders. However, in most cases, it is enough to use local action.


In the fight against this problem, they will help you wip the affected areas with wine natural 6% vinegar or hydrogen peroxide, do it two or three times a day. A good helper is ice, apply it to a pimple for a few minutes, just turn it around it. Increase efficiency adding to water before freezing lemon juice, infusion chamomile. With a stitching together with a lemon zest, you can make a compress and attach to a problem place for twenty minutes. No less effective, the binding from diluted slightly warm water to the state of the sour cream of turmeric. Keep them on the skin no more than an hour. In front of bedtime, the pimples are recommended to dotted with iodine or tooth white paste.

Ice with lemon

Extremely effective baths with the addition of chalf raccara, cleanliness, turn, calendula, plantain, daisy flowers, oak bark, rosemary. For its preparation, take one or two tablespoons of your herbs you have, pour half liters of hot water, boil five minutes, strain. The ass should be kept in such a bath about half an hour. The masks of green or blue clay are also effective, in which it is desirable to add five drops of oil of wheat germ, lemon or mint. Keep them no longer than forty minutes, then wash off. Try such a tool: Mix a teaspoon of honey with three drops of tea tree essential oil, apply to a plot with pimples for an hour.


How would this not want this, try not to squeeze acne, because, in addition to the distribution of rash, it is fraught with the penetration of infection in the bloodstream and, as a result, the development of septicemia or meningitis.

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