Small acne on the forehead how to deal

Small acne on the forehead how to deal

Acne on the face deliver a lot of inconvenience. At the very open part of the body, they do not hide them, the acne is difficult to grae before an important way out. If it does not take up the problem in time, the rash on the forehead becomes abundant, the suppurations often appear. We will look at the main sources of acne appearing on the forehead and find out how to get rid of this attack.

Causes of acne appearance

We recognize the nature of the occurrence of acne to coordinate our further actions.

Allergic reaction

If the acne appeared suddenly, then we remember what we had eaten lately, did not take any medicines if the new cosmetic product was not tested on the face. It is likely that rash appeared as a result of one of the above reasons. Eliminate it will be easy.

Wrong care

On the forehead is a lot of sebaceous glands. If you have been brightened to cleanse the face from cosmetics before bedtime, wept and did not wash on time, and just incorrectly care for your skin type, gradually there is a blockage of pores. And as a result, the skin is formed to be acne. We solve the problem by changing your hygienic habits. In the launched cases, we appeal to the experienced cosmetologist.

Problems with internal organs

If the rash appears on the forehead periodically, then this is talking about failures in the internal organs and the hematopoietic system. An irregular chair, painful menstruation, pain in the pancreas and liver are a signal to a prominent campaign to the doctor. Acne in this case is only a side manifestation of serious illness. It will be impossible to cope with them on your own, until the main alert is revealed. A specialist should be engaged in such issues. Self-medication here is inappropriate.

Acne treatment

Consider homework acne treatment methods:

  • Grind 10 pills streptocide and mix with aloe juice to a porridge state. We add 2 drops of iodine. We apply a clean cotton wand spot, overnight. Morning warm water in the morning.
  • 1 tablespoon of blue clay mix with 1 teaspoon of calendula tinctures and weaving with water to consistency thick sour cream. We apply on problem areas, waiting for complete drying and wash off warm water.
  • 4 tbsp. l. Decora sage mix with 0.5 tbsp. Pink water and add 15 drops of tea tree oil. We take the mixture and overflow it into a glass container. With this lotion, we wipe the problem areas in the morning and in the evening. Liquid we swell every time before use.

Medicia treatment

Preparations that are struggling with acne. We use after consultation with your doctor:

  • "Adapalen" - helps with severe rash;
  • "Skinoren-cream" - treats acne of various etymology;
  • "Metrogil gel" - has antimicrobial effects;
  • "Zinyrit" - removes inflammation, dries;
  • "Kurizin" - cures inflammation of various gravity;
  • "Dalacine gel 1%" - an effective antibiotic local action;
  • "Salicyl lotion" - has a dry effect.

Useful habits

Consider habits that favorably affect the condition of problem skin:

  • Reduce the consumption of sweet, greasy and acute.
  • The day is starting with a glass of water.
  • We use fruits and vegetables in sufficient quantities.
  • Do not touch the face without the need.
  • Do not clean the face yourself. Apply only to qualified cosmetologist doctors.
  • Do not go to bed, not happing and removing cosmetics from face.
  • We struggle with the gusts to open the pimples and squeeze its content on your own. Before providing cosmetic assistance, we use therapeutic mini-plasters.

In time, noticing inflammatory rash on the forehead and undertaking the necessary methods of treatment, we will protect yourself from the spread of infection throughout the face.

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