Why acne appear

Why acne appear

It was found that about 30% of people continue to fight acne after transitional age. The reasons for their appearance can be the most different. Having learned a specific reason, you will understand exactly how to deal with acne.

Pay attention to your diet. If you often eat harmful, but delicious food, the intestine is gradually clogged, as a result of which conditions are created for the development of various microbes. They slow down the cleansing function of the intestine, but the body is trying to get rid of slags by all ways, so it starts to use the skin. As a result, the toxins are allocated through it and collect various infections around them. It is for this reason that the pores are cleaned, angry rash is formed and acne appear. Watch your power, increase immunity and regularly clean the body.

The appearance of acne can provoke a hormonal failure. Until 20-22 years, the body continues to grow up, therefore, an anomalous highlight of hormones occurs. Also, hormones are actively produced during menstruation and pregnancy. You can use outdoor ointments and gels, for example, "Basiron AU", "Kurizin", "Zinc Ointment", "Salicylic Acid". Another reason for the appearance of acne is a failure in the work of the thyroid gland and other organs of the endocrine system. Contact an endocrinologist. In this case, only the doctor will appoint effective treatment.

Watch for personal hygiene. Some girls often enjoy decorative cosmetics, but do not wash it off before bedtime, use unsuitable tool products, dirty cosmetic accessories, etc. Use only high-quality treatments for their skin type. In the morning and in the evening, use a washbasin, tonic and cream. Select the means of one company. It is worth noting that in the risk zone there is not only oily skin, which actively produces subcutaneous fat, as a result of which the pores are blocked. Dry skin often lacks moisture, therefore less protected from bacteria, and sensitive is predisposed to the appearance of allergies.

If the sweat will be mixed with fat in the pores, it can also lead to acne. Before training and sports sports, it is preferable to wash off makeup and carefully clean the face. After training, also beware and use the cleansing agents. Skin problems may occur during friction, so it is recommended to choose loose clothing from natural fabrics.

Try not to squeeze acne. Traumating the skin, you are subjected to infection and the new appearance of acne. You also risk acquiring boils and other dangerous formations. Remember that only specialists can remove acne with special tools. Provice an allergic reaction can long-term treatment with potent medical preparations, for example, antibiotics.

Stress and experiences negatively affect all organism. The skin is no exception. Learn not to be nervous and find suitable ways of relaxation. Available at least 8 hours a day. Change bed linen at least twice a week - it accumulates bacteria that have a property of multiply and provoke acne. Disinfect your phones at least once a week.

Scientists have established that acne can appear due to heredity. If someone from your relatives regularly treated acne appearance, you can also face this problem. The risk is 81%. Such people first need to follow the way of life and carefully care for their skin.

For the restoration of the skin takes at least three months, subject to the fulfillment of the above councils. If you are strongly suffering from the appearance of acne, do not pull and consult a dermatologist. Due to poor nutrition, stress, weakened immunity may appear subcutaneous ticks - demodex. The sooner the disease is revealed, the faster it can be cured.

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