Basiron AS - reviews

Basiron AS - reviews

Basiron AU is one of the effective tools for external treatments of acne and acne. It produces the French laboratory Galdermia. Recently, the product began to gain great popularity, so many people want to familiarize themselves with their reviews on its use.

Marina. I saw the advertisement of this drug and immediately decided to try it. After a week, the first effect was noticed - the smoother and clean skin, new rashes were stopped. I put it in the morning and in the evening, immediately after the lotion for washing and tonic. In principle, the result is satisfied, but there is one minus - the tool slightly dry the skin, so it is desirable to use moisturizing creams.

Alexei. From 12 years I suffer with problematic skin facial. Now I am 22, but I only half a year ago I started using Basiron. Prior to that I tried many acne products, and in different price categories. Alas, nothing helped. The results of the use of Basirone became visible in about a month. Acne gradually pass. In two months I began to look normally on myself in the mirror. The drug dries a little skin, but at the same time perfectly eliminates acne, so in general it performs its function. Many thanks to manufacturers!

Elena. I tried to apply Baziron times 10. Results zero! Is that, a little slept red, but acne were, and remained. I read a lot of laudatory feedback, but the drug did not come up. Buying disappointed. I was told that I could, I bought a fake, but I do not want to risk again.

Svetlana. Just chose a drug that is more expensive than other analogs - I believe that there is no cheap quality. The result was completely satisfied with the result. Additionally, we nan a good moisturizing cream, so the skin is not dried. True, I do not have big problems, so I rarely use - as needed. If you apply for the night, then in the morning the pimple will become less and it will be possible to completely disguise the corrector.

Natalia. Basiron AC is one of the best tools from acne for me. I have suffered from skin problems for 5 years, I finally helped something. A month later, all acne passed. There are several small traces left, but they were already on the verge of healing. What I did: the gel applied to the whole face before bedtime thin layer. At the same time, the skin has a little burned, but it was tolerant. In the morning it is better to wash with boiled water. I can say for sure if you use the drug at least a month, you will see improvements! I recommend it to everyone and wish you so that you will quickly have all problems with rashes!

Dmitriy. The problem with acne began with early youth. I myself do not remember how much I tried. Recently bought basiron speakers. Now I use only it. If you compare a remedy with similar preparations, the result is obvious - it has gone redness, the acne became much smaller. Apply only for the night, so that he managed to absorb well and was invisible on his face. When an old friend saw me, he was surprised by my new appearance. I hope acne will be completely.

Eugene. Basiron AU advised me my beautician. The drug is suitable for different types of skin, does not cause addiction (I am allergic, so it is very important for me) and eliminates microbes. The results of the application were visible in a week. I confess that I did not expect such a quick effect. The skin has become not so fat, acne is less. Redness passed on the first day. Six months of use, the face has become completely clean. The only minus is dried, so use it in a complex with high-quality care cosmetics. Be sure to use the lotion for washing, tonic and fat cream.

Most reviews indicate that Basiron AC is a rather effective means of competent and long-term use. In order not to harm your skin, advocate with a dermatologist before buying the drug.

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