Baked powder: reviews

Baked powder: reviews

Recently, the market of cosmetic goods has appeared a variety of so-called baked cosmetics. And powder - no exception. Is it worth changing the familiar powder and experiment, what merits of the baked cosmetics, find out from our article.

Manufacturing technology

For the production of baked powder use innovative technologies. All components needed to create powder are subject to special processing in the oven at a temperature of +60 degrees. At this temperature, such components of powder, like purified water, exclusive vegetable oils, pigment, natural humidifiers are baked into one unit, while maintaining all its useful qualities and natural value. Moreover, manufacturers guarantee the presence of various artificial fragrances and flavors in powder, which allows the use of baked powder to women prone to allergies.

How to use baked powder

Baked powder is very convenient in daily use. In order for makeup to look perfectly, it is better to observe the following advice of experienced cosmetologists:

  1. The method of applying a baked cosmetic product is slightly different due to the dense structure. It is important to choose hard brushes for powder. Brushes must be quite large, from natural materials.
  2. It should be applied baked powder on the tone cream so that the powder does not dried the skin. In case the skin is fat, it is better to first use the tonal base with a matting effect. Moreover, it is better if the powder and cream will be one shade.
  3. Baked powder can be applied and dry and wet. To create a transparent effect, be powered by a thin layer. And for saturated evening makeup, it is recommended to use wet sponge disk. Forever powder do not need to apply.
  4. Baked powder is produced both with a matte basis and glossy. Depending on the color and manufacturer, the powder in the composition can be both inconspicuous grades and large blades. The main goal of the use of baked powder is to highlight the skin, giving a healthy shiny. To achieve the same effect with the help of an ordinary powder is simply not possible.
  5. If you decide to purchase a baked powder for the first time, it is better to ask for advice from an experienced consultant of the cosmetic department, which will help in choosing a tone.
  6. Like any other cosmetics, the baked powder should be removed by special means from the skin of the face at night. Funds will help avoid clogging.

Advantages of baked powder

Due to the more dense structure, the baked powder is economical and convenient to use. Thanks to the smallest particles, it is distributed evenly and easily rubbed, not rolling. The thermally processed powder is longer on the skin, giving it the desired shade and eliminating visual shortcomings. Powered vegetable oils provide careful care and skin protection. Special humidifiers protect the skin from excessive drying, retain the skin with elastic and elastic. Vitamins A and E slow down the aging of the skin. Baked powder does not scatter. Cosmetics producers produce a variety of types of baked powder, so a fair floor representative with ease will select the desired shade for himself.

the effect

Depending on the stamp of the powder, the skin can give , masking Small wrinkles, vascular, pores, bright freckles, uneven relief after acne. Some stamps of sealed powder give the skin of a pearl shine. The skin of the face becomes velvet and well-groomed.

When buying a baked powder, do not forget to pay attention to the shelf life.

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