Hommage for face: reviews

Hommage for face: reviews

Gommage is another ship in the Flotilla of the Beauty Industry. The main purpose of this cosmetic agent is a soft skin cleansing by exfoliation: gommage as if erases with skin of pollution, skin fat and dead cells. That is why he got his name - "Gomme" with French translates as an eraser. Given that on our expanses, this product appeared relatively recently, we suggest considering it in more detail.

What is gommazh

In essence, gommage is a gentle peeling, where purification occurs not mechanically, but by dissolving the dialed epidermis with active substances. As such active exfoliants, enzymes or organic (fruit) acids are usually used as such active exfoliants. So that they affect the means applied to the face for a few minutes, after which it neatly rolls (or washed off), absorbing everything unnecessary from the surface of the skin. The action of gumada is so delicately that even suits the owners of very dry or sensitive skin.

Advantages of gommazha

The most important advantage of gumades in front of other cleansing agents is the maximum result with minimal exposure to the skin. After this procedure, the skin's skin becomes not only more fresh on appearance and gentle to the touch, but also more susceptible to creams and masks. Moreover, homa themselves is capable of providing a nutritious and moisturizing effect, since its composition often includes components with the corresponding properties. But this is not all the advantages of such a soft peeling - the micro massage during this procedure has a stimulating effect on the metabolic processes and protective function of the skin of the face.

Contraindications for the use of gumad

Due to its gentle influence, gommage is suitable for all skin types at any age, but there are certain restrictions on the application of this procedure. So, clean the skin in such a way is not recommended if the skin is often dying or is located under the right rays of the sun, so as not to leave it without natural protection. It is insecable to use gommage to purify the sluggish thin skin due to the risk of even more stretching it. There are also reviews that the delicate effects of the procedure is not enough to purify oily skin. And yet - note that gommage cannot be combined with other types of purification (scrubs, chemical peeling).

How often apply gommage for cleaning face

We note immediately that the optimal frequency of application of such delicate peeling is determined exclusively you, or rather - the type of your skin. So, for example, to achieve and maintain a good result on normal and dry skin it is recommended to use homage once a week. You should not be too caring in this way of purification and in the case of fading skin - quite enough 1-2 procedures per week. To clearly clean the combined skin with homaage, you will need more procedures - up to 3 per week, oily and porous skin - every other day. Given that the solar activity and the use of gumad is not desirable, planning these cosmetology procedures for the winter, the beginning of spring and autumn.

Application technique Gommazha

Another advantage of gommage - it can be used independently at home. To do this, you can use ready-made means that are produced by most manufacturers of cosmetics, and home formulations. The beginning of the procedure is preparing for it, namely, the skin needs to be cleaned and unplug. Now he will warm the desired amount of funds in the palm of the palm and apply it to the face with soft rubbing movements on massage lines. At the same time, we recommend not to be limited to face, but go down and below - on the neck and zone of the neckline. Leave the product on the skin before the formation of a soft film (for 10-15 minutes), which is carefully rolling. If you have inflammatory processes on your face, it is impossible to ride the tool - wash it with warm water. Remember that the skin after this procedure is able to "take" other cosmetics as much as possible - masks, serums, creams. And do not forget that during the day the skin of the face must be protected from the Sun (solarium including) and wind.

The effect of gumad

With regular use of gumada, you can count on the following effects: skin cleansing, giving it pleasant smoothness and velvety, a slight narrowing of pores and improving the color of the face. The skin really becomes younger and fresh. It is better for decorative cosmetics, and cosmetics gives a more visible result. However, hope that gommage will solve the problem of deep wrinkles, acne and the effects of acne should not be, as it is still a soft peeling. But it will avoid the use of more aggressive cosmetology procedures.

Choice of Gommazha

When choosing gummage, pay attention to several important aspects. For example, whether it was tested and whether the necessary control passed. Read the composition of the selected tool carefully, especially if you have a tendency to allergic reactions. In addition, he will prompt both in which direction works most effectively. So, for cleansing sensitive skin, we recommend choosing homages with the content of ultrapish oils and sugars. If you want not only to clean the skin, but also to improve its color, as well as remove the extra liquid from it - look for sea salt and algae in gumad. For those who prefer to prepare cosmetics with their own hands, there are many effective homemade gummage recipes.

Gommage is a good way to gently clean the skin, especially when its condition does not allow more aggressive cleaning methods. Moreover, it can be carried out independently made by their own hands. Recipes for such home gummage look at the video.

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