Fituity threads: reviews

Fituity threads: reviews

Beauty is the power given to the woman itself. However, this force has its own duration - and age changes are inevitable. Therefore, women since ancient times are so desperate trying to preserve their beauty as long as possible by any ways. Unfortunately, attempts to find the elixir of youth is still unsuccessful, but modern science does not stand still, constantly introducing innovations in the field of cosmetology and plastic surgery. Let's talk about one of them - the Niteev Lifting.

Nytee lifting - what it is

Nitee lifting (it is also a face lifting threads or ligatric plastic) - one of the most effective alternatives to the face rejuvenation without surgical intervention. In fact, it is subcutaneous "reinforcement" of persons, where in the role of "fittings" are special threads from biocompatible material (gold, polypropylene, caprolac, platinum, polyolic acid, etc.). These threads have microscopic branches and notches, thanks to which they are able to keep the skin well. This method of rejuvenation is ideal for those who still do not want to resort to plastic, but no longer satisfied with the results of cosmetology methods.

Types of threads for lifting the face and the features of their use

Consider the most famous threads for Facelifting:

  1. Golden threads - "pioneers" of ligature plastics, are used to create a frame in soft fabrics. Their main advantage is hypoallergenicity. When administered, it is stimulated by the formation of its collagen, do not resolve and exclude the use of hardware cosmetology.
  2. APTOS threads are another representative of non-absorbable hypoallergenic material (polypropylene or caprolac). More often used in the case of pronounced age-related changes (after 40 years). The effect "hold" from 3 to 6 years.
  3. Silhouette Lift threads - combined threads with non-absorbable polypropylene base and self-dissipating maminic acid cones with glycolide. The result of such a suspender is preserved up to 7 years without the need to introduce new threads.
  4. 3D Mesoni - a lifting system with self-sessive threads from polydiaxon, on the site of which the connecting tissue is formed, which further performs the function of reinforcement.

Benefits of nithe lifting

Among other methods of rejuvenation of the face, ligatric plastic has several undeniable advantages. First, it gives a result comparable to the effect with a surgical suspender, but without surgery. Secondly, eliminates the reaction of an allergic nature or rejection, as it is performed by a biocompatible material. Thirdly, has a short recovery period (up to a week). Fourth, does not leave behind the traces in the form of scars and scars.

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Indications for the use of face tightening threads

Experts are recommended to carry out a nice face tightening in the presence of noticeable deformities of the face due to the sickness of the skin or the emergence of deep wrinkles. Or rather - in the presence of folds in the corners of the mouth or their omit, in the formation of the second chin, the sorcement of the cheeks, the outer century. Also, the "reinforcement" of faces of the threads can solve the problem of the omission of the zalestic part of the person, the outer edges of the eyebrows, expressed folds (nasolabial, nasal, lobbing). Using this technique, you can get rid of bags under the eyes for a long time and restore the elasticity of the skin of the face.

Contraindications for filament lifting faces

Despite the fact that such a way of skin suspenders belongs to small-acting and hypoallergenic, it is not necessary to apply it. So, it is not recommended to conduct it to women waiting for a child or nursing, as well as those who sick diabetes or oncological diseases. Contraindications for this procedure also include infectious diseases in the acute phase, blood coagulation disorders and the presence of pathological processes in the field of person (inflammation, herpetic rash). In the case of too thick skin or overweight, the thread lifting will be ineffective.

How the face lift is carried out

The "reinforcement" procedure of the face of the threads takes from 30 to 40 minutes, so it is sometimes called the "lunch break procedure". It is carried out as follows: after determining the "scale" of correction and local anesthesia, a specialist with the extreme needle introduces and fixes the thread according to the "markup". Thanks to the available notches, the threads are immediately fixed in the tissues, tightening the skin in the right direction. After the procedure, swelling and soreness may be observed, which soon disappear completely. To finally consolidate the result, within 2 weeks after the suspender, it is recommended to refrain from active chewing and mimic movements, for 4 weeks - from the massage of the face and neck, hiking to the bath, sauna or pool, for 2 months - from peelings, hardware and injectable cosmetology procedures.

Nythey lifting can be called the effective method of rejuvenation, which gives a quick and rather prolonged result without blood, scars and long-term recovery. And, by the way, it is applied not only for self-tightening, but also to correct accusations in the neck and neckline, on the stomach, hands and legs.

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