Plasmolifting faces: reviews

Plasmolifting faces: reviews

The desire to stay beautiful, regardless of age, naturally for every fair sex representative. And medicine with cosmetology is trying to find such a wonderful tool that would allow to embody this desire to life. One of the latest innovations that give a chance to become younger is plasmolifting, which is based on stimulation of its own skin restoration mechanisms. What is the essence of this method of rejuvenation, its pros and cons, efficiency and security - let's try to figure it out.

What is the essence of plasmolifting

Plasmolifting is one of the most effective non-operative rejuvenation techniques. Its essence consists in a "restart" of its own mechanism of cell regeneration, which is significantly slowed down by age. As an activator of such a "restart" performs rich in platelets and the growth factors of the blood plasma, taken at the most patient. Injected by injection into the skin, this "elixir of youth" launches a whole cascade of restorative reactions: activated stem cells begin to strongly synthesize fibroblasts, and those, in turn, produce "building" elements of our skin - elastin, hyaluronic acid and collagen.

Mesotherapy face reviews

How is Plasmolifting Procedure

Before carrying out the procedure for rejuvenation, with the help of its plasma, venous blood is selected in the patient. After that, it is centrifuged, and the plasma fraction is the most enriched with platelets. After a quarter of an hour, this "activator" of the mechanisms of skin regeneration is ready to use. It is injected injectively, that is, through injections, inside the skin on certain lines (Langer lines). Therefore, before the introduction of plasma, the skin of the patient may be processed by local anesthetics if necessary. The number of procedures will depend on the initial state of your skin. In the medium, plasmolifting consists of 3-4 procedures at intervals of 14-60 days, which is recommended to repeat 1-2 times a year. At the same time, the day before the procedure, it is necessary to refrain from oily, acute and fried food, alcohol, and 4 hours before it is generally limited to food and abundant drinking.

When it is advisable to carry out Plasmolifting

Such a "self-election" can be applied already at the first age-related changes, that is, after 30-35 years. You can contact a specialist for plasmolifting if there are signs of the Turgor's decline on the face, if you have noticed that your face leather has lost its former elasticity and elasticity. In addition, the intradermal administration of its own plasma is perfectly coping with such defects as wrinkles (mimic and around the eyes), the consequences of treatment (or not treatment) acne in the form of scars, a change in the face of the face due to the sickness of the skin. Plasmolifting also restores the skin color, removing the spots of age or "sunny" nature, and treats inflammatory processes (acne).

In what cases plasmolifting is contraindicated

Despite the fact that this method of rejuvenation of the face is quite safe, there are states when applying it is categorically not recommended. So, choose another way to restore beauty will have to have if you expect a child or sick a heavy systemic disease. Also plasmolifting is not carried out if there is a patient of diabetes mellitus, mental disorders and immunosuppressive states (significant imminent immunity). Given that the method involves working with blood, blood diseases and viral hepatitis automatically fall into the list of contraindications. Specialists do not risk and in the case of mine lesions of the skin of the face.

Plasmolifting effect

The result of the procedure can be seen after the first session, that is 1-1.5 weeks. You can see that the facial skin is tightened, wrinkles and wrinkles straightened, leveled complexion gone dark circles under the eyes. However, it is not all that capable Plazmolifting. "Chip" of this method of rejuvenation - the effect of "porcelain skin," which is manifested in the regular conduct of the procedure (1-2 times per year). A feature of this effect is extraordinary smooth and velvety skin, as well as a special inner glow.

Advantages and disadvantages Plazmolifting

The main advantage is real Plazmolifting its effectiveness by using their own resources of the body. Thus allergic and rejection are eliminated. In this procedure still requires the intervention of the skin (injections), that is, after it can remain small bruises, swelling and redness, and the risk of infection, though minimal, but there is, as the risk of serious infection as a result of the activation of its own "dormant" viruses or agents who have fallen into the plasma from the equipment (test tubes, etc.). Also worth noting is the cost of the procedure, which is why this rejuvenation is not yet available to everyone.

Despite his young age (plazmalifting used for about 10 years), skin regeneration using autologous plasma has established itself as a very effective and relatively safe way to restore the beauty of your face. However, it is invasive, so trust its rejuvenation process only to professionals.

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