Face massage against wrinkles

Face massage against wrinkles

How to save the freshness of the skin, brake aging, prevent the occurrence of wrinkles and saving skin on the face? Naturally, with massage procedures. They help smooth out the recesses and prevent the occurrence of new grooves on the skin. Massage on the face enhances the muscle tone, recreates a clear oval of faces, saturates fabrics. And this means more intensive becomes the process of the formation of elastin and collagen, which is a guarantee of skin elasticity.

The impact of the procedure depends on the regularity and correctness of its implementation. Also, massage on the face leads to lifting, reduces the swelling, corrects the color, eliminates the redness and acne, grinding the skin. Why is the rejuvenation and disappearance of wrinkles after massage? The impact on the skin enriches blood flow, stabilizes the microcirculation of lymph, enhances the metabolism. The capillaries get rid of toxins and increase the substance necessary for freshness.

Basic Face Massage Technique Present in all its varieties. Having mastered it, you can work creatively any types of massage. rules Easy and do not require any special qualifications. Taking into account all the nuances, you can easily carry out a procedure without spending a lot of time. What events are desirable to produce immediately before the massage:

  1. It is proposed every week 2 times to do hot herbal compress. Brew a decoction of various herbs (bark of oak, turn, chamomile, coltsfoot, pita, lindens, etc.). We make gauze in several layers with pre-carved eye holes and put on your face. Hold 10 minutes. You can do instead steam baths. Such manipulations warm the muscles of the face.
  2. Remove Before massage hair In a lightweight hat or roll them with a rubber band, they should not interfere and injure the skin.
  3. Scrupulous wash hands with antibacterial soap. Extrald nails also complicate the procedure, they can easily be injured.
  4. Before the procedure itself on the skin cream or massage oil. This will improve the glide of hands on the skin surface.

Technical features of massage against wrinkles. Movements are made according to certain massage lines. At this time, you should lie either sit on a chair with a smooth back, in a relaxed state:

  • We stroke the palm from the middle of the forehead in the direction of the temples, from the nose to the chin, from the tips of the lip - to the ears.
  • Three fingers make movements in a circle, capturing the whole face. Movements should be strong. Try to smooth out wrinkles.
  • Massage ears. Massage is carried out through the entire sink, with some delaying skin. Two fingers are involved - index and large.
  • Long press the ear shells with palms and massaging ears, rotating them in a circle. Such a movement contributes to tightening and relaxing the skin.
  • Palms set on her face with fingers pointing up. Pressing the skin, make movement in a circle, massaging the skin of the head from the temporal area to the nape.
  • Using four fingers (without much), massaging the lower jaw towards the ears. First, the movements are stroking, then gently tapping the back of the hands.
  • We set thumbs up over the upper lip. And we are moving away from the middle of the lips to her tips, doing the rotational movements. Do the same manipulations and for the bottom lip. Make 5 times for each lip.
  • Carefully tapping the tips of the fingers, go through the upper and lower eyelids around the eyes.
  • The neck massage is carried out according to the same scheme - we spend closer fingers from the clavicle to the chin and back. We start stroking, then press and lightly pat the skin.

To achieve significant results in the fight against wrinkles, massage should be carried out constantly. Consider only ten minutes of daily exercises, better than 20-25 minutes once a week. Massage from wrinkles not everyone is recommended. Do not hold it to people with acne, herpes, large warts or moles. If there is damage or wound on the face, wait until they disappear.

Well established himself in the fight against wrinkles gymnastics face. It can be done anywhere, since you do not touch the face. The alternation of gymnastics and massage will help smooth out the small and reduce deep furrows, make the skin elastic and rejuvenate it, improve muscle life:

  1. Try raising your eyebrows up, straining muscles. Hold so a few seconds, and then lower.
  2. Make lips a tube and the resulting "trot" move into one, and then in the opposite direction, up-down, then rotate in a circle. It enhances blood circulation around the lips.
  3. Fill the mouth with air and enhance your cheeks with effort, and press the palms from above.
  4. Move the air in the inflated cheeks in a circle. First one, then to the other side.
  5. Press with the power of the top lip to the teeth and try to raise it up, then lower. Also do it with the bottom lip.
  6. Extraright lips forward with the letter "O".

Each exercise is done 10 times.

Try to stick to the rules of self-massage, in order not to damage the skin and get the necessary effect. If you do everything correctly, in a few weeks the result will be noticeable. It will be award for dedication and perseverance. Many women spend money on cardinal ways of skin rejuvenation, which only create artificial youth of the skin. Face massage is an independent skin rejuvenation with your efforts, not attracting finance.

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Elya 18/10/2018 at 14:42.

I struggle with wrinkles help the gelatin masks (+ I try more dishes based on it) and Laura-serum. The skin due to this care is always moisturized and sweaty ... well, wrinkles are almost no visible, of course, most importantly)

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