How to make a massage newborn

How to make a massage newborn

The daily massage is an excellent way to strengthen the relationship between parents and the child of the first weeks of life. Moreover, studies have shown that the massage contributes to improved sleep, stimulating the immune system and brain activity, an increase in oxygen in the blood, facilitating pain caused by problems in the digestive system. The technique of massage a newborn without difficulty will love every parent.

Prepare for massage procedures. Pay time half an hour before feeding or 40-50 minutes after the last meal. Carry the room. The optimal room temperature for the relaxation session is considered + 23-25 \u200b\u200b° C. Make sure you have enough space for massage, it is well lit and is far from heating devices. Put the bike blanket and oil on the table. Shipping all with a diaper. Your hands should be clean, dry and warm to the touch. Remove the clock and all jewelry. Briefly flash nails. Put all the necessary: \u200b\u200bclean diaper, napkins, towel, nipple, leather moisturizing agent.

The initial position of the child: lying on his back legs to you. Use stroking massages. The first massage movements must be gentle. Any efforts, pressure and booms are excluded. Only from 4 months in the set of exercises will include rubbing, kneading, harvesting, patting and pinching movements. Massage manipulations of each body of the body with stroke movements begin and end.

Start a newborn massage with stroking movements on hand and legs. First, put the thumb with your hand in the palm of the baby, and perform the second hand to the sliding manipulations on the inside of the hand from the brush to the shoulder. The tips of their fingers massage the palms and fingers of the child. Left the child hold the left hand, right-right. We move free hand from the foot to the thigh on the back outdoor side of the legs.

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Put the baby on the stomach and perform stroking movements on the back. With this rear section of the brush, move from the baby's buttocks to his head, and in the opposite direction stroke his palm. Return the crumb to the initial position.

Start the abdominal massage from circular slides with palm of the right hand along the clockwise arrow, avoiding the liver area. Then change them to counter strokes with both hands and massaging abdominal muscles. Complete the exercise with circular hand movements.

Through the energetic circular actions of the thumb to the massage of the stop (you can "draw the eight). Each finger legs place between big and index fingers and carefully pull it out.

Perform strokes and gentle vibrating manipulations on the baby's chest.

Keep in mind that there are certain contraindications that do not allow massage the body of the newborn. These include: acute infection, fever, diarrhea, severe skin diseases, inflammation, open wounds, blood disease, a certain period after immunization. With asthma, epilepsy, congenital dislocation of hips, diseases and noise in the heart, the disability of the child permission to suitable manipulations during the massage should give a doctor.

Carefully observe the mood and condition of the newborn during the session. Stop massage before it promotes it loudly. Only then the baby will look forward to the next classes.

Comments leave a comment
Ekaterina 04/22/2018 at 14:09

I reread a lot of articles, tips and recommendations about the children's massage. This is not counting the video on YouTube and other channels. But it came to the conclusion that it could not be better than a professional children's masseur. Alla Dychtalov found contacts, because it is precisely it is considered in our Krasnogorsk and in Pavshinsky floodplain the best children's massage therapist, agreed on time and price and she conducted a massage course. The jump in the development of colossal, so I am for a professional approach. On children's health, it is not worth saving.


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