How to make a massage to a child

How to make a massage to a child

Children, especially before a year, is shown a common massage. Such a massage develops muscles, the flexibility of the joints, and more than 80% of the kids of such age have a hyper- or muscle hypotonus. All pediatricians confirm the beneficial effect of massage for the nervous and physical development of babies. Useful massage and older children. Massage is healing, relieving nervous tension, fatigue. Simple massage can easily master and parents.

Massage techniques should be selected with caution - it should cause exceptionally positive emotions. Some exercises will show you a pediatrician. Daily massage can be started from 1.5-2 months. The best time for him is before eating or after, about an hour. To kid get used to exercises and reacted positively to them, do not start a massage when the child is capricious, crying. Do not use any massage creams, oils. Do the exercises with warm, dry hands, putting a child on a soft, smooth surface, covered with a fabric of natural fiber. The temperature in the room must be comfortable.

Massage Methods must be soft: stroking, patraging, kneading. Before the massage, prepare a child - affectionately, talk to him benevolently. Longly knead and rub the baby, not causing pain. After some time, when it is prepared, complicate the exercises. Apply plugging, vibration, pressure, without applying visible effort. The child should have fun and joy from exercises. Even light touch will give a positive result.

Especially be attentive, massaging the finiteness of the child. Take care of his head from the jog, hold it. Try not to produce sharp, energetic movements. Make a back massage without affecting the area of \u200b\u200bthe spine. Massion only muscles and joints. All the time watch the reaction of the child, do more often the exercises from which he gets a special pleasure. Immediately stop the massage if the baby is dissatisfied, he does not like or he is tired.

Start a massage with a simple stroking of the entire body surface, hands, palms, legs, stop. Such techniques will dispel the skin, relax the muscles. Make strokes in the direction of lymphotok to the nearest lymph nodes. Hand massage - from fingers to the axillary pots, legs - from the fingers stop to the groin. Belly massaging, making light circular movements clockwise. Avoid pressing on the liver area (right hypochondrium). The chest massaging, stroking up and down 2-3 times, then in the direction of the ribs and around the nipples: Move your left hand counterclockwise, right - in the direction of the clock arrow.

If your baby is not yet a year, then all the exercises do gently, touching his skin only with the pillows of fingers, making movements in a straight line, spirals. Grab the ring of your fingers alternately, then the baby's shin. Hands should be counter, sliding, non-familizing the skin of the child.

After the preparatory exercises, it is possible to perform more complex - intense, but gentleproofing of long muscles of the back, the rear surface of the legs, buttocks. Buttocks after kneading easily praise, remember how the dough. All the time remember what to do it quickly, easy. Finish such exercises always stroking. Arraying ankles, intersect them, then, then the feet and each finger separately. For the prevention of flatfoot, swipe with the index finger at each foot 2-3 times.

At the age of 3 months, make a child only simple vibration techniques are easy shaking and shaking. Only after three months can be applied in the massage complex pats with fingertips. Making a massage kid playing, with jokes and songs. He will like it.

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Natasha 08/29/2018 at 21:13

Massage myself, I will definitely do not solve. Especially if there are some kind of health problems, I only turn to a specialist. Many people advised Alu Drichtsky in Krasnogorsk, and turned to her. True, it is, she comes home itself, he loves the children, it is very pleasant in communication. I know many mom from Pavshinskaya floodplain, they, too, with Alla are familiar and she has been making many massages. But I will not persuade, all adults and know what they do.


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