How to make eye massage

How to make eye massage

Eye massage requires a somewhat different approach than other types of similar procedure. This is explained by the fact that the massive body is very fragile and vulnerable, especially to the immediate physical influence. Also in our interests, do not damage the gentle skin of the face and do not spoil her appearance.

Why do eye massage

The procedure we discussed are therapeutic and preventive, that is, it is used both to improve the undervalued vision, and for the removal of symptoms of fatigue, cutting, burning, sensation of "sand", the removal of dark circles, the normalization of blood circulation. Only 10 minutes a day for several months will give a completely tangible result - from improving vision of several diopters before the endback of the victims of the eyelids and edema under the eyes. Massage not only helps to relax the muscles that control the eyeball, but also unobtrusively train them, indirectly affects the muscles of the head, neck, shoulders, helping them to relax. All this will allow you to preserve vision for the longest time.

Massage points and places

Usually the eyes massage with the pads of the fingers along the upper and lower abnormal arcs, the bottom of the palm is slightly pressed on the eyeballs. We also do not forget about the internal and external corners of the eye. According to Eastern Medicine Practices, it is so that the most active points are, in addition, preserving the youth of the person himself. The massage of the sinuses of the nose (triangles along the cheeks, a sharp angle pointing to the inner points of the eye) and the nasal bone improves the work of the roseless channel and restores the normal blood circulation throughout the face. Complete the massage can be easily patted your fingers on the skin and the above places.

How to make eye massage

To begin, it is necessary to confuse the palm of the palm of each other for about 30 seconds. After attaching their inner parts to closed eyes and slightly adjusted from 5 to 10 times. Next we put your hands in the fists and also slightly rub the surface of the eyelids and the eye-catching knuckles of fingers, how small children do. Absorbing arcs "Take up" the pillows of the finger point per point, moving in any direction. We do up to 5 circles. From the inner corners of the eyes we go down and massage the sinuses of the nose with tight movements. We will probably the massage with the same pressure as they started.

"Eye" points on the skull

To complement the massage described above is recommended by rhythmic pressing on the following biologically active points:

  • at the base of the skull, between it and the first vertebra, is felt by a characteristic pit;
  • paired dots above the ears, at the border of the hair;
  • paired temporal, inside the hair of 1.5 centimeters, away from the corners of the eyebrows;
  • paired on the forehead, in the middle between the center of eyebrows and the hair line;
  • in the center of the forehead and between the eyes, on the nose;
  • pair, in the center of eyebrows.

Focus on your own feelings - while the massage brings pleasure, it can be continued. If an unpleasant feeling occurs, it is better to change the press technique.

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