Slimming Massage

Slimming Massage

The point massage is a acupuncture massage that came to us from the ancient China. His healing properties helps to fight overweight and lose weight painlessly. To do this, you need to learn how to find biologically active points on the body, following the unwitting rules.

"Tzu-San-Lee" translated means "three versts on the knee" "or" Longebating point ". She is responsible for many processes in the human body. To find this point, you need to sit even, the legs should be bent in the knees, put on your knees. In this position you can find it with the help of a nameless finger. Turn to the wpadink near the knee cup - this will be the point of longevity. Masseing Tzu-San is needed for 20 minutes every day. She treats headaches, increases the production of immunity, weakens the pain osteochondrosis, prolongs life.

"Shao-Shan" translated means "young merchant". To find the point, it is enough to take the thumb with the outside of the nail at its base. When pressing this point, small pain will be felt. Masseling Shao-Shan needs intensively, putting pressure on it the pressure of the middle force for 2-3 minutes. She treats cough, pharyngitis, he finds the respiratory organs, fights with a runny nose, stops bleeding from the nose.

Point "Low-Gu" is above ankle, perpendicular to 10 centimeters from a round bone. It is necessary to massage it for 2-3 minutes per day. She treats numbness in the limbs, pain in the heart, abdominal pain, soothes nausea.

"Shu-Gu" - this point is located on the foot. Find her easily, you need to sit on the chair and turn your leg to yourself. Find the Misina Falang, count one centimeter from the founding of the Mizinz to the foot center, there will be a shu-gu. To combat overweight, array about 2-3 minutes of medium force in the sitting position. Heals headaches, removes convulsions, eliminates back pain and lower back.

"Da-Zhuju" translated from the Chinese - "big vertebra." This point is located on the neck. To find it, it is enough to attach a hand on the neck and make the head sloping to the sides. There, where you feel the largest fixed vertebra, and there will be the 1st chest and 7th cervical. Right above them is the point you need. Severe it 2-3 minutes. Heals pain in the throat, redness of the eyes, as well as fever.


"Guan-Yuan". It is perpendicular to down from the navel on the front wall of the belly. It stands to massage it in the back position. The procedure must be made about 30 minutes per day. If you felt discomfort or nausea, stop the massage. The point displays the slags from the body and restores the operation of the stomach. Guan-Yuan.

By performing massage at all points, you can achieve good weight loss results. In this case, proper nutrition and physical exertion must be present. Improvement and relief in the body you will feel after the first week. If there are no sensations, then the massage should be stopped. The course is up to 25 days, the effect is about 2 kg without exercise.

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