How to pull the skin after weight loss

How to pull the skin after weight loss

Everyone dream of a good figure regardless of age. That is why the fair sex is often sitting on diets. With a loss of excess weight, another problem arises - sagging skin. How to pull it out, we will tell in this article.


The most efficient and fast way to return the elasticity is a banal charging. It can be fitness, dancing or power training. Always the suspension is carried out by improving blood circulation. To enhance blood flow to tissues, you can use a massage. The most effective techniques for skin suspenders are:

  • yoga;
  • bodyflex;
  • callanetic.

Almost all of these programs are based on combining physical exertion and respiratory gymnastics. Due to this, the internal organs and the skin are saturated with oxygen, blood circulation is improved.

How to pull the skin after weight loss


Of course, no massage compares with exercise, but if you are very lazy or you do not have time to visit the gym, you can resort to this method. The most effective is anti-cellulite massage. To improve blood flow to the skin, you can use banks and wraps. Just do not need for intensive weight loss to wrap the body with a film and play sports. So you derive a liquid from the body, which contributes to dryness and sorcement of the skin.

How to pull the skin after weight loss

Water treatments

Pretty effective is the cold shower. If you are afraid to get sick and are not accustomed to swim in cold water, start your day from cool wipes. Just wet the fabric in water room temperature and spend the body intensively. Gradually reduce the water temperature. You can use a contrast shower. It perfectly pulls the skin in the complex with scrubs and massage with washcloth. Purchase a washcloth from the hood or coconut fiber.

How to pull the skin after weight loss


As the main way of tightening the wrapping is not suitable, because they are quite weakly improving blood circulation. Therefore, such manipulations are better combined with physical exertion and intake of vitamin preparations.

How to pull the skin after weight loss

How to pull the skin after 40 years

After 35-40 years, the amount of collagen and elastin in the skin decreases. That is why even a minor weight loss can significantly worsen the skin condition. After 40 years, together with a slimming, it is desirable to use special vitamin complexes and receive drinking collagen. Many group vitamins in and magnesium are located in Brussels Cabstone and Green Salad.

How to pull the skin after weight loss

Try during weight reduction to take vitamins of group B, as well as tocopherol. On the diet you need to play sports. Choose the most suitable type of training. Very well pulls the skin jogging and strength training. If you do not want to look like a mountain of muscles, exercise for 30-40 seconds with small breaks.

It is much easier to warn the sorcement of the skin than to fight with him. That is why choose diets that reduce body weight over a month only 2 kg. It is such a weight loss that is safe, and the body has time to adapt. In this case, you do not have to look for ways of skin suspenders.

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