How to pull the sap

How to pull the sap

Often, the joy after the birth of the baby or the "weighty" weight loss in women overshadows a side visual effect - sagging skin. However, our body, fortunately, always gives us the opportunity to correct the situation, provided that we will not be lazy and use all possible ways to make your body tightened. In our article we give several basic directions in how to tighten the sagging skin.

Power Correction

The first thing to start the struggle for the tightened skin is proper nutrition. It is important to observe the tandem "Balanced + products that have a positive effect on the elasticity of the skin." Give the advantage to the proteins (1-2 g / kg of weight per day) as animal origin (seafood, low-fat varieties of meat, fish, cottage cheese, eggs) and vegetable (bean, cereals, eggplants). It is better to limit the fats with vegetable (cold spin oils, nuts in small quantities) and no more than 30 g per day. It is impossible to exclude carbohydrates from dietary - here pay attention to such food sources such as cereals, coarse bread, vegetables, fruits, pasta of solid varieties, dried fruits, honey. Especially effective in tightening skin greens, salmon, turkey, sea cabbage, fruits and vegetables.

Sufficient water

Drinking mode is another needed component for elastic leather. To fill the cells of your skin moisture, take a rule to use a sufficient amount of water per day - no less than 2 liters. Also try to completely exclude coffee from the ration or replace it with green tea. Remember that these popular drinks do the opposite effect - remove fluid from the body, and we need to saturate the skin moisture.


Skin suspension exercise

And yet the leader among the means on the tightening of the sorcement of the skin remains physical exertion. Regular exercises maintain muscles and skin in tone and contribute to reinforced blood supply in tissue cells, including skin cover. Due to this, cells are saturated with oxygen and active substances, which is favorably reflected at regeneration rates, and at the level of skin elasticity. If you are familiar with physical exertion, attend the gym 3 times a week, be sure to match the program with the coach. Less prepared can be started with a 15-minute gymnastics.

Cosmetics with tightening action

Today in stores you can find a lot of special lifting-tools in the form of creams, lotions, scrubies, serums. At the same time, household means with a pull-up action are no less - this is a contrasting shower, and wiping with ice (from ordinary water or herbal beam), scrubs and wraps. All of them, like exercises, enhance blood circulation in skin cells, and therefore - and the processes of recovery of elasticity. However, they are particularly effectively tightening the skin of the wrapping using honey, red pepper, cinnamon, clay, mumens, natural coffee, pink, olive oil or grapefruit oil, herbal decoctions. It is noteworthy that all listed funds from sagging can be combined with each other.


Massage against sagging skin

Well stimulates blood supply in cells sagging skin and massage. You can entrust your problem areas with the hands of a professional, and you can use for self-massage skin. To do this, you can use both your hands and rigid washcloth, towel, water stream or special massagers. To carry out such self-massage well in the shower and after it.

Rejection of bad habits

Another component of the successful struggle with sagging skin is a healthy lifestyle. To make your skin tightened, stop entering it nicotine, alcohol and unhealthy food to its cells. Take more time to sleep and activity, especially if you are forced to spend a lot of time in a sitting position. Do not shy your body with synthetic close clothes - give preference to convenient things in size and natural materials.

And the most important thing is the maximum effect in terms of restoring skin elasticity will be from a comprehensive approach to solving the problem. Therefore, try to combine all of the recommendations listed - and with time, harmoniousness and the suspended will again become your trump card.

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Karina 01/22/2018 at 17:23

Stomach discovers after childbirth. Do not like it at all. I think to put the modelform for moms. I have a friend so thin after childbirth. I see the result, so I want to go through the course. Especially since taking conveniently - capsule per day. And there are no chemistry


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