Skin grape

Skin grape

Grape oil is not called "elixir" health and beauty. By its effectiveness, it is not at all inferior to expensive rejuvenating beauty products. Having become acquainted with high-quality natural oil, you are unlikely to want to overpay for advertised cosmetics in elegant packages, but with suspicious composition. Let's learn to care for your skin with the help of "liquid gold" from grape bones. It is not only easy, but also extremely convenient, quickly and practical - just right for constantly busy modern ladies.

Advantages of grape oil

Rich in polyuntenaturated fatty acids, vitamins, micro- and macroelements, phytoncides and enzymes, grape oil has a truly unique effect on the skin:

  • promotes the active regeneration of the epidermis after solar and other burns, as well as healing the wound and microcracks;
  • beneficially affects tired and fading skin;
  • it has a unique lifting effect and perfectly eliminates the first signs of aging;
  • perfectly moisturizes the skin and restores the violated hydrobalance of the upper layers of the epidermis;
  • eliminates local redness, irritation and itching;
  • ideal for skin care of any type, including fat and sensitive.

Grapes oil !!!

How to use grape oil

Oil extracted from valuable grape bones, cosmetologists recommend using in the following cases:

  1. Alternatively, the familiar moisturizing cream. When leaving means cease to cope with the task, it's time to include in your beauty arsenal grape oil. Already after the first three applications, the skin becomes smoother, elastic and fresh. Before applying tone cosmetics, gently flow the face with a matting napkin.
  2. For anti-cellulite massage and correction of stretch marks. The grape oil activates the peripheral blood circulation and provides effective lymphatic drainage - after the massage of irregularities and the tubercles are noticeably smoothed, and the flabby skin becomes elastic and tightened.
  3. For relaxing baths. Try adding a couple of drops of fragrant grape oil into a warm bath - such a simple reception will help not only relax, but also perfectly moistened the skin.
  4. For cooking hand-made masks. Clay and grape oil - a magnificent cosmetic duet. Holders of oily and mixed skin type oil should be combined with blue or green clay. For girls with dry and sensitive skin, a mask with a red or gray clay will suit.

Vin mask

Grape Oil Selection Rules

When buying oil from grapes, pay attention to the following points:

  • Choosing between hot and cold spin oil, give preference to the second. The product mined by hot extraction is subject to mandatory heat treatment, as a result of which loses the lion's share of useful substances.
  • High quality oils are usually packaged in a waste glass container. "Hydraits" of lower quality, spilled into transparent plastic dishes, inevitably oxidized under the influence of air, heat sources and light, are poorly stored and quickly deteriorated.
  • Do not be afraid of the presence of a precipitate on the bottom of the bottle with a grape "elixir of beauty". A small natural turbidity appears due to oil filtering and indicates its natural origin.

On a note! Store a unique grape product follows in a tightly closed container in heat protected from heat and sunlight.

Wines oil cropping

Grape oil in cooking

To ensure your skin healthy and blooming species, do not forget to use grape oil when cooking. In it, there is absolutely no cholesterol, but it is rich in valuable fatty acids and vitamin E. Thanks to a pleasant nut aroma, it will not only successfully let off the taste of festive and everyday dishes, but also give them a special exquisite notch. For the preparation of salad dressing and marinades, the grape seed oil is better to use in the mono-version, and for frying and extinguishing - in combination with the usual vegetable oils - sunflower or olive.

Grape oil cooking

Do not forget that the guarantee of use of cosmetic oils is a systematic. Regularly indulge your skin with grape seed extract and be always well-groomed and young!

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Katharina 03/26/22021 at 20:43.

Oils for skin adore. Although the beautician told about this and he explained that the pores could be blocked. Excessive cleaning for nothing. And in order for the skin to be softer and without wrinkle-recommended taking marine collagen. It is him, because the digestibility is high. And he advised from Evalar to take a dosage good and easily dissolved in any drinks. I drink the second month, the results please. The skin is transformed. I think at all in the regular habit of introducing it))

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