Apricot face for face

Apricot face for face

Apricot oil is universally, and can be used by the owners of any type of skin. Its use is possible even with extremely sensitive skin. This oil is effectively fighting with wrinkles, bruises under the eyes, as well as with acne and various types of rash. It contains a lot of useful substances and is able to improve the skin, make it younger. In this article, we will consider the most common ways to use it.

Healing composition of apricot oil

This oil has a beneficial effect on the epidermis due to the presence of vitamins and other beneficial substances in it:

  • Vitamin A soothes sensitive skin, quickly eliminates peeling and dryness.
  • Vitamins of group B prevent the occurrence of inflammation, and also help the healing of microcracks.
  • Vitamin C enhances the protective properties of the skin, helping it to resist the adverse effects of the environment.
  • Vitamin E gives the skin greater elasticity, eliminates shallow wrinkles.
  • A variety of acids that are part of this oil are rejuvenated by the epidermis from the inside and regenerate damaged tissues.
  • Potassium regulates the level of content in the skin of moisture.
  • Magnesium normalizes the functioning of blood vessels, according to which oxygen comes into the cells.

Apricot Oil Action Spectrum

Of course, this oil will be appropriate in conventional face care, but there are a number of problems in which its use is simply necessary:

  • Excessive skin sensitivity.
  • Flap dry skin areas on face.
  • Deterioration of face color.
  • Wrinkles.
  • Dry and tired skin.
  • The presence under the eyes of "goose paws" of bruises, bags.
  • Various rashes.

Ways to use apricot oil

There are many diverse ways to use this oil. Consider the most efficient and common:

  • Rubbing. Every day, wipe the face with a rut dipped in an apricot oil to protect against premature aging.
  • Stick. Apply an apricot oil to the area around the eye to avoid the appearance of edema, as well as bruises under them.
  • Adding to cosmetics. Pour 3 drops of apricot oil into any cosmetic. This will increase the positive effect of its application.
  • Compresses. Pulle in the apricot oil with gauze, rolled in 3 layers, and apply it to damaged skin areas. This oil has a wound healing effect.
  • Yellow mask. Connect the yolk eggs with a teaspoon of apricot oil. This mixture effectively nourishes the skin.
  • Essential mask. Couplespoon apricot oil with daisy ethers and patchouli, take 2 drops of each. This mixture is effectively fighting with various rashes.
  • Oatmeal mask. Connect a tablespoon of oat flakes, pre-crushed, with a tablespoon of apricot oil, a teaspoon of heated honey, as well as a tablespoon of milk. This mixture smoothes wrinkles and nourishes the skin.
  • Multicomponent mask. 2 tablespoons of manna porridge cooked on milk, connect with yolk egg, teaspoon of honey and tablespoon of apricot oil. Such a mask has a moisturizing effect, eliminates wrinkles and acne.
  • Massage. For face massage, this oil is suitable both in its pure form and in the complex with other oils.

We will certainly use the apricot oil by choosing the most convenient way for you. This natural remedy has a wide range of action and easy to use. Its regular use guarantees improving the appearance of the skin, as well as its healing from the inside.

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Julia 11/10/2020 at 13:33

A good thing! For many years, practicing masks with apricot oil! And lately I also try to take hyaluronic acid to the course (I take it only, because the dosage is high and the capsule is well absorbed well) to feed the skin from the inside. I am 50, and a face like a 40-year-old ... there is something to be proud!))

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