Essential oils from stretch marks

Essential oils from stretch marks

Our skin from nature is elastic and can stretch and adapt to weight changes. Despite this, under the influence of strong jumps of body weight, hormonal changes, it loses its elasticity, collagen fibers are damaged and familiar stretch marks are formed. The struggle for the beauty of the body must begin at the first signs of the appearance of Striy, as it is very problematic to get rid of soased stretch marks. If you are not ready for long and expensive salon procedures or go under the doctor's scalpel, you can resort to more conservative methods. Essential oils that are justified by their positive impact on the skin will help in solving this problem at home.

What oils are suitable for home procedures

Various esters are used in home cosmetology. Many of them are useful for skin. Essential oil can penetrate deep into the skin and almost immediately starts to act. Essential oils are best suited for the treatment of stretch marks:

  • rose - smoothes, moisturizes and rejuvenates the skin, relieves inflammation;
  • mandarin - contributes to improved blood circulation;
  • geranium - helps in combating cellulite;
  • lavender - heals damage, relieves inflammation;
  • norola - restores damaged cells and capillaries.

Essential oils

Rules for the use of essential oils

Home procedures for relieving stretch marks, like any treatment, have its own rules and cautions. In order not to get a deplorable result, you need to strictly follow:

  1. Purchase oils only in pharmacies or specialized departments. Fake can cause irreparable harm to health.
  2. Do not use ethers not diluted, in pure form. To avoid burns, use the basic base (cream, serum, milk, algae, oily oil for dissolution).
  3. Conduct a sample on allergies. Many oils are strong allergens.
  4. Many - does not mean well. Adhere to those specified in the recommendations of the dosages.

Mixtures 2.

Mixes from stretch marks

Mixtures of essential and basic oils have a strong effect in daily use. They are able to relax our skin, remove edema and spasms, improve water exchange and blood circulation. Esters mix for cooking and basic fatty oils add to them. Ready raw materials must be stored in a tightly closed dark tank at low temperatures not more than 3 months.
The following mixtures are suitable for the treatment of stretch marks:

Toning composition:

  • lavender - 2 drops;
  • orange - 1 drop;
  • nerve - 2 drops;
  • the base is 30 ml peach or olive oil;

Relaxing composition:

  • incense - 2 drops;
  • norola - 3 drops;
  • lavender - 2 drops;
  • basic oil of wheat sprouts - 30 ml;
  • basic almond oil - 30 ml.

Applying mixes

Bathrooms from stretch marks with oils

If the problem went far, and stretching appeared in different places, a good alternative to a bath. Essential oils are poorly dissolved in water, and remain film on the surface. For their correct use, emulsifiers will need. Oil pre-add to foam, salt, honey, milk, and then into the water.

Bath composition Toning:

  • verbena - 1 drop;
  • orange - 3 drops;
  • rosemary - 2 drops.

Bath composition relaxing:

  • rose - 1 drop;
  • mint - 2 drops;
  • lavender - 3 drops.


Wraps and compresses with essential oils

Adding essential oils to mixtures for wrapping simultaneously helps cope with cellulite and stretch marks. The oils are domed to clay, algae, apple vinegar or special compositions that are applied to the skin and wrap a shrink film. Compresses are suitable for small stretch areas. To prepare the composition you can apply:

  • jager basic oil - 30 ml;
  • rosemary - 2 drops;
  • grapefruit -3 drops;
  • dry algae - Paul Glakana;
  • water - 400 ml.


As you can see, effective methods of using essential oils in the fight with stretch marks a lot. But the treatment at home is long and requires zeal and patience.

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