How to get rid of stretch marks

How to get rid of stretch marks

Any friend of beautiful sex wants to look always not just good, but great. For care for your body, the girl spend quite a lot of time and effort. Unfortunately, sometimes in achieving this goal can prevent some physiological processes, such as the occurrence on the skin stretch marks. They look pretty not aesthetically look, although they do not deliver discomfort or pain. The factors contributing to their appearance are hormonal disorders, a sharp set or relief of weight, pregnancy. The emergence of Strya is explained that with excessive stretching of the skin of the epithelium cell simply do not have time to compensate the missing cellular mass, the skin is thinned and rifles, resulting in scars.

The thinning of the skin is due to the fact that with hormonal jumps there is a change in the synthesis of polymers, elastin and collagen proteins. And these substances are just responsible for the elasticity and elasticity of the skin, and their disadvantage provokes breaks in the layers of the dermis. You can completely get rid of the stretch marks that are just at the very beginning of their occurrence, then it is possible only to make strlicas practically imperceptible. To achieve the best effect, use a set of measures, use a variety of means. Be patient because it takes it a lot. You will need to achieve improved blood circulation in the affected area, saturate the body with nutrients to accelerate mitosis, tissue regeneration. Take a contrasting soul daily - it will strengthen the circulation and increase the tone. Do regular zones massage with the presence of Strya, use different oils: almond, orange, rosemary, tea tree, ylang-ylang, forest walnut, wheat germs, olive.

Almond oil2.

Remember that you can succeed in the fight against stretch marks only with regular use of certain procedures and funds, including massage. Make it with a special brush, canvas mittens. Buttocks, chest and stomach massaging clockwise with circular movements, and the waist, hips - bottom up, vertical. Use and various cosmetic products containing elastin, collagen, vitamins C, A, E. It can be oils Weleda, Avent, Galenic, Sanosan, Green Mama, Vichy, Lierac, Pregnacare, Guam, Muttisol Extra cream, Contracture, Eraser, Ointment Medherma. During pregnancy, preference gives the means like Bella Mama, Mustela, Baby Teva, Mama Comfort, Chicco. During the beating of Chad and first, after it is recommended to use special bras and bandages. Try such a tool: Mix on a spoon of aloe juice and olive oil, add ten drops of vitamins E and a, rub in distressed places in the morning and in the evening.


Do not waste time on the adoption of the bath is wasted, add a tool to the water that will help you in the fight with strizy. To do this, mix three spoons of sea salt with three types of essential oils that you need to take four drops. The following are suitable: pink or tea tree, Mirtit, Issop, ginger, neroli, mandarin, almond, chamomile. Or add to the bath in a pack of soda and sea salt, dissolve. There are no more than fifteen minutes in such a solution. You can take 500 grams of starch for the same purpose, do not forget to add ten drops of any essential oil. Try to carry out such a procedure: apply liquid honey to the place with stretch marks and make pattering movements over five to ten minutes. Keep in mind, messenger pain may occur. It is quite effective. Such a means: Take 200 ml of peroxide kefir, spread it a problem zone and leave dry, then rinse with water.

Honey and Mochliki

Do not forget about scrubs, they are very effective for veilting stretch marks. With their help, you remove the burned cells of the top layer of the dermis, thereby running the process of developing collagen and elastin, mobilizing the operation of biologically active substances. The recipe for such a means is simple: mix 100 grams of sugar, olive oil and large salt, apply for problem areas before taking the shower. Try it and this: Fill 50 grams of ground coffee with a glass of boiling water, insist twenty minutes, then add a spoonful of coconut or olive oil and a few drops of essential, better orange. All mix and spread it on the desired area of \u200b\u200bthe body. Effectively and this means: Two grams of mummy soak in water, add two teaspoons of a predicted baby soap or cream, mix. Apply stretch marks daily. Try it and this: Mix ten drops of jojoba oils and orange, lemon juice, lavender extracts and rosemary, apply for half an hour, then wash off.

Coffee scrub

If these funds did not help you, you can resort to mesotherapy, chemical peeling, ozone therapy, micro-gland, microtonal and laser therapy. Such radical methods are more expensive, but the effect of them will appear faster.

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