Exercises, training
  • the beauty
    Perhaps every girl dreams of an ideal figure. Thin waist, flat stomach and slender legs - such standards dictate us modern fashion.
    08.02.2019 268 0
  • Exercises, training
    Everywhere glossy magazines, movies, games dictate our beauty standards to which we are accustomed and perceive them as due.
    25.09.2017 476 1
  • Sport
    Everyone knows about muscular pain. Classes in the gym on simulators, with dumbbells, running in the morning, cycling can give pain and crepe after workout.
    29.08.2017 471 1
  • Sport
    Beautiful back - the dream of many people. It is an opinion that it is impossible to pump up the back at home, but it is not.
    29.06.2017 467 0
  • Sport
    The transverse sword is considered a complex version of the twine and at first the newcomer will not be able to master it.
    29.06.2017 431 0
  • Diets, slimming
    The so-called apron on the stomach, that is, excessive skin, it is quite difficult to remove, but it is quite possible. If the case is very launched, there are many surplus, then you should contact the doctor, it will offer an effective option - the operation.
    13.06.2017 545 1
  • Sport
    With the accusation of the belly can also meet women and men. Most often it happens during pregnancy, also from overeating, incorrect power.
    12.06.2017 461 0
  • the beauty
    To put your hands in order, it is necessary to establish meals, eliminate negative factors that strongly affect the fullness, as well as add a share of activity.
    12.06.2017 500 1
  • the beauty
    The child's birth is reflected not only on his mom's life, but also on her figure. Who would not like after pregnancy look again just like to her?
    12.06.2017 501 0
  • Sport
    Many men fantasize a beautiful flat stomach, but not everyone knows to pump up the press do not necessarily visit the gym.
    12.06.2017 459 0
  • Sport
    The rope is familiar with everyone since childhood. Then everyone used it only in gaming purposes. Already from school time it was clear that it could actively be used in sports.
    01.06.2017 428 0
  • Sport
    When you just step on the path of eastern martial arts, many little things remain incomprehensible and worthy of special attention.
    09.05.2017 460 0
  • Exercises, training
    If you set the goal to sit on a longitudinal twine, then training is now an integral part of your life, and a sedentary lifestyle is her worst enemy.
    08.05.2017 425 0
  • Sport
    In the modern world, any woman dreams of not only slender, but about the pumped legs. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to learn some recommendations and tips on muscle buildings.
    26.03.2017 468 0
  • Sport
    Swimming is subject to almost all groups of the population. Learning to swim is not as difficult as it seems.
    26.03.2017 406 0
  • Sport
    Learn to push it easy if you regularly work hard. This type of exercise actively includes a fairly major body: breast muscles, triceps (shoulders muscles), biceps (muscles of the hands), buttocks, press.
    04.03.2017 397 0
  • Sport
    Classes in the gym are useful for figures and health. Not everyone on the pocket subscription to the gym, what to talk about the coach.
    21.02.2017 473 0
  • Sport
    With proper physical exertion and regular training, it is possible to make the ass beautiful and elastic over a short time.
    19.02.2017 463 1
  • Sport
    The calf muscles are insufficiently developed plot of a modern person. This prevents a sedentary lifestyle, lack of physical activity.
    11.02.2017 475 0
  • Sport
    From the style of your riding will be completely dependent what kind of skateboard is worth choosing. For example, small wheels are chosen for riding in the ramp, for speed on the streets - more.
    09.02.2017 438 0
  • Education
    The wheel is a simple acrobatic trick. However, not everyone can do it correctly. In order to learn how to make a wheel, you should know several rules.
    09.02.2017 487 0
  • Sport
    Are you tired of promising yourself to start a "new life" from Monday? A year for quite other days to change your life and play sports.
    28.01.2017 458 0
  • Health
    Modern man is mostly leading a sedentary lifestyle. Therefore, the lack of physical exertion and incorrect power adversely affect the figure, as a result of which fat folds appear.
    28.01.2017 474 1
  • Sport
    Many people still believe that jumping on the rope is children's entertainment. But the real athletes on this is another opinion - a rope, this is an excellent simulator, the opportunity to strengthen all groups of muscles, prepare for competitions and reset overweight.
    27.01.2017 443 0
  • Anatomy
    The shortage of body weight, both in men and women, significantly worsens the work of the immune system, makes the body vulnerable to various kinds of diseases leads to premature death.
    18.01.2017 518 1
  • the beauty
    During the centuries, the ideals of female beauty changed dramatically, but pronounced aspen waist was always considered a sign of femininity and refinement.
    16.01.2017 442 0
  • Sport
    The launcher takes place in the list of the most efficient power exercises for the development of about 80% of the body of the body of the training person.
    15.01.2017 446 0
  • Sport
    Everyone wants to be beautiful, sports and tightened, but many continue the desire does not move. We will analyze on points, how to make yourself play sports.
    14.01.2017 418 0
  • Sport
    In the gym, experts claim to pump up their back independently at home is impossible.
    12.01.2017 409 0
  • Sport
    Pumping legs at home is quite possible by setting the goal. Systematically performing a complex of special exercises, you will see the result after a month or two.
    08.01.2017 434 0
  • Sport
    A strong and sports body of a man - his pride, a guarantee of health, and of course, the popularity of women!
    05.01.2017 576 3
  • Sport
    With envy, look at those who can easily sit on the twine? Do you think that people who began to train from childhood can achieve such flexibility?
    04.01.2017 509 0
  • Exercises, training
    If the schedule is loaded to the top work and everyday affairs, the time for the gym may simply do not stay.
    24.12.2016 424 0
  • Sport
    Pumpped men's shoulders - the indicator of courage and power. Specialists advise pumping shoulders and girls to make female forms beautiful.
    22.12.2016 446 0
  • Sport
    Learn how to make flip - the task is not simple. This requires good physical training and a number of workout.
    22.12.2016 455 0
  • Sport
    "Tomorrow I will start running," many people make a decision. We offer you simple ways, how to get pleasure and joy from morning and evening jogs!
    26.11.2016 427 0
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