How to sit on the transverse sword

How to sit on the transverse sword

The transverse sword is considered a complex version of the twine and at first the newcomer will not be able to master it. In order to sit on the twine, you need to increase your flexibility. And here the main rule is not to rush anywhere, to engage in long and stubbornly. The huge plus of this exercise is the ability to maintain the mobility of the joints, improve the blood circulation of the lower extremities, to establish an excellent physical form. As a result, during the implementation of the transverse sword, the trainer enhances muscles and gets good well-being.

How to sit on the transverse sword - Exercise number 1

To begin, it is necessary to prepare a chorem on which the occupation will occur. Legs are spread wide, forming an angle of 90 ° in each bend of the knee joint. Socks look at the sides, and the knees are deployed towards socks. On the exhalation, slowly sitting on, the back is kept smoothly, the hands fall on the waist. Next, a little complicate the task and lean forward and down, holding your legs with your hands. Now you can make light shallow shaking. Time in both positions for 30 seconds.

How to sit on the transverse sword - Exercise number 2

In the standing position begins back to the lower back. First occupy a rack with widespread legs (wider shoulders), socks look straight. Palm placed from behind on the lower back. Stretch back and down, aiming ribs and pubic bone up. As much as possible, linger to 30 seconds.

How to sit on the transverse twine - Exercise number 3

Legs are wider than the width of the shoulders. The hands are raised above the head, the fingers are connected to the castle, the torso tip forward and bring to an angle of 90 °. Stretch the back side of the palms ahead. Delay in such a posture for 30 seconds.

How to sit on the transverse sword - Exercise number 4

It occupy such a position of legs, as in the previous exercise, only the torso is sent down and in the sides, stretch the palms to the floor. Lower for 60 seconds. Next, there is an improvement in sipping down only with a correction for complication. The basin stretches up, shoulders down, the forearms fall on the floor. You can use auxiliary support blocks for yoga if it does not work as it should be bought. In this position, 60 seconds remain.

How to sit on the transverse sword - Exercise number 5

Pose resembles a stue. It is widely divorced for this foot, the socks are directed to the sides, the pelvis approaches the floor and retains the horizontal position on the same line with the knees. Hands meanwhile are located in the width of the shoulders and stretch up. Delay 60 sec.

How to sit on a transverse twine - Exercise number 6

Alternate holding legs in a horizontal position. Hands rest in the waist, kneeing one legs to raise up, break the leg and ascertain the sock of the sock, bringing it to a horizontal line with a floor. If due to unusual it is impossible to keep the balance, then the rack is performed at the wall or another support. Make 15 repetitions for each leg.

How to sit on the transverse sword - Exercise number 7

Sit on the karem and perform the disclosure of the thighs. Buttocks are lowered on the floor, bend legs in the knees, keeping the straight posture. Heels to silently over the buttocks. Make slow turns to the sides. Exercise moves from one posture to another, externally similar to frog. Leaves left in the same diluted position, only the body is held now on the forearms, and the fingers are reduced together. Line on 60 bills.

How to sit on the transverse sword - Exercise number 8

The back is straightened, the position is sitting, where the knees are directed in opposite sides. Hands hold the feet, the body leans forward to the floor. You can mimic the wings of the butterfly with the knees, then it will be easier to lower your legs.

How to sit on the transverse sword - Exercise number 9

Stretching to perform sitting, straight legs as wide as possible on the sides. The inner side of the knee does not break off from the floor. Hands straighten up the width of the shoulders and slide over the surface in front of them. In order not to damage the muscles of the thigh, the task is performed not in a hurry. Bring the body to stop at the forearm and linger for 6 seconds.

How to sit on the transverse sword - Exercise number 10

A man breeds his legs by the wall, resting in her buttocks, eggs and heels. The same stretching of the inner surface of the thigh only lying on the back. The legs are reduced and bred more and more until the feet will touch the floor.

To achieve high end results, only systematic stretch will help. For example, every other day or every day. If a person visits the gym, then the listed exercises are doing at the very end in the form of a "zaminka". The main thing is not to set yourself very fast goals, because it is easy to be injured, and at best, for a long time to drop out of sports life.

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