How to pull the inner part of the thigh

How to pull the inner part of the thigh

During walking and running, the front muscles of the thigh and the jagged muscles are involved. The inner part of the crotch zone is rarely involved in the power loads, as a result, it becomes a flabby and convex. Regular classes will help you bring the problem zone to normal, tighten the muscle and coordinate the load in the desired direction.

You You can deal daily or make a training schedule. The key to success is the regularity and technique of execution. Work not at speed and quantity, but make focus on quality. At the beginning of the classes, do not forget about the warm-up, which prepares the muscles and the whole body as a whole to the subsequent load. Perform circular turns head, squeeze your hands, dried 10 15 times with a straight back, without breaking the heels from the floor, and jump on the socks or through the rope.

Establish exercises. Lie on the floor, linsuit tightly press to the floor, lift the legs at right angles and dive to the side 20 25 times, but slowly. Lying on the floor, lift legs, and as in childhood, "cut scissors", spreading your legs wide and pulling slowly - so 20 times.

Stant smoothly, grab your hand for any support and perform a smooth foot. (sock looks up) to the side. Alternate legs every 25 movine and so 4 approaches, in general, the minimum number of one leg masters are 100 times. Now take the ball, clamp it between the legs and go to this position for 10 minutes. After the time expires, leave the ball on the side, become smooth, spread the legs (maximum) and take 10 slow squats.

This exercise gives Magnificent result. Lie on the right side, straighten the right leg, and bend the left in the knee and put on the floor. Start raising and lower the elongated leg and feel like the muscles of the inner part of the hip. Repeat the exercise on the other side. In the position lying on the side, alternately, slowly perform 15 straight movings, after which 10 seconds "hang", not reaching the floor.

V Station lying on the back stretch the leg and "paint the sock" the most large circles, 15 laps for each leg. Take the position sitting, bend your legs and fold the foot to the foot. Slowly, but confidently press on his knees, trying to touch them to the floor. After a 3-minute stretching, lay the stomach on the folded feet, straighten the hands and try to reach out as far as possible.

AND Last exercise with dual load. Become around any support, where you can throw the leg - staircase, windowsill, desk, washing machine, etc. Become so that the leg is straight and on the surface lay just a foot. Slowly progress, without bending the "hanging" leg. After five squats, make the tilting of the torso, trying to reach the sock of each of the legs. Repeat the exercise on the other side.

Do not forget after each occupation to do a stretching, which evenly distributes the load along the entire length of the muscles, reduces the fighting symptoms and gives the muscles with a beautiful feminine form. After classes, take a contrasting soul scrub skin ( tough wash, ground coffee, sea salt, mineral scrubs). After the shower, apply olive oil on the press zone and hips. Your muscles will be tightened, leather elastic and silk.

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