How to prescript from the floor

How to prescript from the floor

Almost all of us attended physical education lessons at school, although few people loved. And in vain! At least two in the magazine are no longer threatened, but on health and on the figure, the refusal of physical exertion is bad. And if the legs receive at least a small daily portion of attention during walking, then the hands are practically deprived of them. Drying muscles do not decorate anyone, so today we will remember how to prescript from the floor.

If your hands have not experienced a physical activity for a long time, you can strengthen the muscles using push-ups from the wall, and only after that start sneaking from the floor. For beginners, a gentle pose is recommended. Take the position stop lying, leaning on socks and palms. Hands are placed parallel to each other at a distance of slightly larger widths, legs together. Bend your knees, lower them on the floor. Do not raise your legs up! From this position on the breath, go down, bending your hands in the elbows to a straight angle, go back to the original position. The body should be a straight line, do not raise the pelvis. Such an exercise will help you strengthen the muscles of the hands and protect the lower back of the overvoltage.

Bent push-ups

Overalling, you can try to try a classic position. It is the above-described technique, only without bending the knees. Feet can be small. The body must be direct. Exercise will help strengthen triceps, breast and deltoid muscles.

Classical Pose-for-Aprigation

Push-ups that will help you pump triceps (back of the hand), tighten the skin and at the same time do not pull the shoulders, looks a little different. It is necessary to completely repeat the classic position, but the hands put on the width of the waist, and the feet on the width of the pelvis. In the breath, bend your hands and remove the elbows back. At the exhale, take the original position.


Less known method - circular pushups. Take a classic position, hands at heart level. In the breath, move the body weight into one hand, go down, now transfer the weight to another hand and take the starting position on the exhale. Must get a circle. Thus, you create an additional burden on triceps, deltoid and breast muscles, use the back and press.

Circular coupling

If you have good physical training, try wring from the floor with a jump. In this case, when climbing with exhalation, you need to push off from the floor (some make cotton in front of the breast, and only after that omit the palms to the floor). Especially often practiced by those who are engaged in oriental martial arts. Such pushups help develop the impact speed.

C-cotton pushups

You can press from the floor with a wide hand set, at a distance of each other twice the width of the shoulders. Palm is turned out. So pour the breast muscles.


If you have a challenge to train your chest muscles, throw legs on the hill. For example, on the chair. In such a position, the load on the shoulder joint increases.


If you rectate your hands as much as possible when the housing is lifted, the locker joint turns into operation and triceps train. If, when performing the exercise, you straighten your hands not to the end, the elbows remain slightly bent, then the shoulder joint turns into operation, and breast muscles are trained.

Muscular system

To correctly press the floor, take the load on the upper part of the hand (from the elbow to the shoulder joint). Try to unload the forearm, especially the women in order not to pump hands.

Push ups

Position when pressing fundamentally affects the result, since, depending on the position of the hands and legs, you use and pump different muscles. To understand how you're better squeeze from the floor, appreciate your type of shape, determine the goal you want to achieve, and only then go to training.

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