How to pump biceps at home

How to pump biceps at home

If the schedule is loaded to the top work and everyday affairs, the time for the simulator may simply do not stay. In this case, you should not postpone the thoughts about a slim body and strong health, because you can even play sports at home. Make relief hands and pump biceps will help some simple exercises.

How to pump biceps - lifting dumbbells sitting

  • Keep your back straight. Take the dumbbells in the hands and lower them with your palms inside.
  • Start raising dumbbells on exhalation as high as possible. Do not forget to smoothly rotate the brush with palm towards the face.
  • As soon as the hands reach the level of the shoulders, slowly breathe and lower the hands in the original position.
  • Keep elbows stationary throughout the exercise, so all load will have to biceps.

How to pump biceps - low push ups

  • Love on the exhale and climb into inhale.
  • Keep elbows closer to the body, so you will provide the load on the biceps.
  • If you are pressed from the floor while it is difficult for you, use dumbbells or a special rack.
  • Do not fulfill the exercise if you feel discomfort in the brushes.
  • Repeat push ups for 10-15 times in three approaches.

How to pump biceps - tightening inverse grogging

  • Do not confuse direct and reverse grip. With the reverse grip, the palms look towards the face.
  • Before performing the exercise, lift your legs and make them a little.
  • Raise the housing on the exhalation until the chin is touched by the horizontal bar. Stay in this position for a few seconds.
  • In the breath, come back to the original position, the main thing is not to rush. Even at this stage, your hands must be tense.
  • Do not forget to keep your back straight, but the body is vertically. In order to accurately complete grip, you should not help myself swinging.
  • Make such a number of approaches that your physical training allows. But try to repeat them three times with a short rest in 2-3 minutes.

How to pump biceps - Exercise "Hammer"

  • Take dumbbells, as with the usual lift sitting.
  • Smoothly raise your hands in turn, but do not change the positions of the brushes.
  • Higher point dumbbells - shoulder. Do not attempt to make a dumbbell by the shoulder, it can injure the elbow.
  • Remember: Raise the exhale, omit on the breath.
  • Try to make the case as few movements as possible.

How to pump biceps - concentrated lifts of dumbbells

  • Sit on a flat surface, legs wider shoulders. One leg will serve as a support for a free hand. In the other hand - dumbbell.
  • Enact the elbow of the active hand on the inner surface of the hip, do not extend it completely. On the exhale slowly lift the dumbbell.
  • When you reach the shoulder, take a pause for a couple of seconds. Inhale and return to its original position.
  • Change your hands as fatigue.
  • With discomfort in the brushes - finish the exercise and consult your doctor.

Remember, any unpleasant feeling during sports are fraught with health, do not perform approaches through force - contact a specialist. The best way to pump biceps is slow and high-quality exercise. Adjust the time and pace of training according to your feelings, and the results will not wait to wait.

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