How to pump chest muscles on the horizontal bar

How to pump chest muscles on the horizontal bar

The horizontal bar for wanting to pump up the breast muscles is just a find. Especially if you are new to this business. In addition to the chest, exercises on the horizontal bar are trained by a large number of other muscles. The load is quite simple, but strong. With these exercises, several basic rules should be known.

The most efficient exercise for breast muscles is pulling. During classes, it is necessary to be calm - one should not make a jerk, the result will come only if you fulfill all the actions smoothly.

Very important moment - proper breathing. Inhale the nose during the lifting of the case and exhale your mouth on the descent.

Do not swing on the horizontal bar. You may seem to do what exercise is easier to do, but by this you unreasonably simplify your work. So you will not soon see the fruits of your work. Do not waste time wasted.

During tightening, in your mind. Ideally - three bills pulled up, three were dropped. Remember, the less the speed of the exercise, the higher the result.

Experienced athletes advise tighten the odd number of times. It is best to do 3-4 sets. However, first of all, you need to navigate your own strength.

Do not give too severely for your body from the first lesson. Increase the number of approaches gradually - not the amount, but quality. Therefore, before you increase the number of repetitions, take off the technique to automatism.

After your exercise exercise technique is high, you can increase the load, hanging extra weight on your feet or belt.

The big load will be on the chest if during pull-ups you will put your hands closer to each other, that is, to do narrow grip.

In addition to standard pull-ups, you can perform another effective exercise. To do this, take the starting position - VIS. And then, attempt to reach the opposite shoulder: left - to the right, right to left. If the first time does not manage to reach the shoulder, thread to opposite sides of the chest.

A variety of exercises on the horizontal bar is provided by different types of grip and width of hand setting. For example, with a wide graze, the muscles of the back will be involved, with a narrow - chest.

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Lala 21/10/2021 at 14:19

Because of this exercise, my husband once became fractures for himself .... It is better to do everything under the control of the coach and with competent technique. But also the bones of course to strengthen the most important thing more importantly, I have a lot of cottage cheese, cheese eats and necessarily takes natural vitamin K2 + D3 Evalarovsky so that the calcium is well absorbed. Otherwise it will not be any sense. Athletes are extremely important.

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