How to pump up press at home

How to pump up press at home

Many seems to have nothing complicated in the development of the press at home. The way it is. However, like any other power exercises, training for the development of the press may cause damage to the internal organs: muscle tensions or tendons. To avoid unpleasant consequences, it is necessary to clearly understand the essence of the exercise and perform it in compliance with elementary security measures.

To obtain a good result, daily classes are not mandatory. It is enough 4 days a week for which you will pay attention to your figure. During such activities, special attention is paid to your breathing: let's load on the breath, and relax at the muscle output.

No physical exercise should be started without a physical workout. For the warm-up, the slopes of the body, squats or running on the spot are best. Take to the warm-up 5-6 minutes, this time is enough for complete warming up of all muscles and avoiding their stretching with sudden loads.

Press of man is divided into three zones: lower, upper and side. For each zone, a special set of exercises has been developed, which allows to achieve the desired result for the shortest time. For example, to inflate the muscles of the bottom of the group just just raise the legs. Lie on a sports mat or floor, the surface of which should be smooth and solid, keep hands along the body. Lying, on the breath, lift the legs up, creating an angle of 80-90 degrees. Holding them for 2 seconds, exhausted to lower the legs in the initial position.

To give the desired load to the upper muscles, the exercise with the lifting of the housing is perfect. For the rapid formation of the lateral muscles, the exercise will have to complicate by adding its turn to the lifting. Lie on a solid mat or floor, then bend your legs. Grasp the palms of the head. At the same time, lift the body body from the ground to a level of 40-45 degrees, exhausted to the starting position.

For the development of the abdominal press, push ups are perfect. For their correct execution, take the stop lying, remove your hands in the floor, hand your hands forward. Hold your back smoothly, keep your head on one line with all the torso. Inhaling, bend your hands until a little touch the floor of the body. Hold in this state for a second, exhale, at the same time straining the muscles of the hands and returning the body to its original position. For the first classes there will be enough five lifts. Later, the number of repetitions of the exercise you will have to increase according to the table below.

But some physical exertion is not enough to quickly form the press. In addition, you will have to start to eat right, exclude from your diet, carbohydrates, beans, cabbage. Prefer the dairy products, low-fat meat, fruit and vegetables.

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Nerv 19/05/2016 at 18:00

Cho at Katka Muma on the photo? \u003d)

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