How to squint to pump up

How to squint to pump up

The desire to have a beautiful figure naturally, as nature itself. But what to do, if she did not reward you with elastic buttocks of attractive outlines or with age once, a spectacular ass was to lose the form?

The most important thing is not to despair. Regular exercise will be returned to the tone of muscles, giving the buttocks an appetizing silhouette. In order for classes to be effective, you should not forget not only to perform them, but also correctly distribute the load during training. Let us give an example of several exercises, the result of which you are guaranteed to be satisfied.

How to squat to pump up the ass - the simpler, the more useful

There are many exercises that pull up the muscles of the priests, but the most efficient and simple are squats. Their benefits apply not only to the buttocks, but also on the whole body.

  • Exercise is required by the participation of priesthood muscles, as well as the spine and the femoral "corset."
  • Squats increase flexibility, improve coordination, develop force qualities.
  • Additional heart load contributes to the formation of a healthy heart rhythm.
  • The state of the joints and tendons improves, reducing the likelihood of injury.
  • Stimulation of normal blood circulation in the area of \u200b\u200bthe pelvis, which serves as good preventive phenomena.
  • This is a practical type of occupation that does not require financial investments, which can be engaged in anywhere.

Rules for performing squats to pump up

  • Avoid the injuries of the back and stretching muscles will help high-quality workouts for 10-15 minutes. It will help warm up and prepare for squats.
  • In the course of working with buttocks, do not forget to strain the press for the formation of a durable muscular corset around the waist.
  • Follow the right position of the legs and the housing: the legs are perpendicular to the floor, the heels are pressed to the ground, the back is straight (without a deflection). When performing the exercises, knees are located above the feet.
  • Breathing is even.

Exercises with squats to pump up the ass

Each exercise should be performed for 20-30 times. Start training should be with 10 squats, increasing their number.

Classic Sound

Arrange your legs on the width of the shoulders, the foot "look" forward. On the breath, remove the prompt back, while the lower limbs bend in the knees. Spin on the contrary - straight. The decrease occurs until the thighs will be along the floor. The exhale moves to the original posture. Increase the efficiency of the priests, while taking a small cargo.

Narrow squat

The feet are in parallel, next to each other. When inhaling, bend your knees, buttocks assigned back. Next, exhale and straighten your legs.

How to pump legs at home2


In the original position, take one leg back and a little later, focus on the sock. On the breath smoothly fall down, until the knee fold forms a straight corner. The main load takes place on the supporting leg. The second limb is behind. On the exhale slowly returning up.


In the original postal position, the legs are widely wider, socks look out. The knees are turned out. While squatting the stomach is pulled up, the blades are reduced. Run down, having inhaled, and exhale, returning up. The lower point will be such a position in which the knee forms an angle of 90 °. This exercise trains the buttock and the inner side of the thigh.


This type of exercise assumes the crits on one lower limb, while the second stretched forward. At the same time, not only all the muscles of the thigh and priests are involved, but also there is an equilibrium training. Standing vertically, output one lower limb, and the second smoothly bend in the knee. Hips with eggs come into contact. Next, at the expense of "pushing", the top rises. In addition to the support leg in this process, no other parts of the body are involved. To maintain equilibrium, you can use the support.

Rod and squats

For this exercise, it is advisable to use fitness stick or gymnastic rod weighing 2-5 kg. Place it at the level of the rear delt. But not on the neck! Legs arranged a little wider shoulders, socks diluted on the sides. Lower the hull to the hip line, the back is straight and slightly deployed, the knees are divorced. When the lift is not fully straightened.

Contraindications to squats

Squats are an effective exercise, but have a number of contraindications. Check out them before you begin training.

  • Injuries, diseases of the legs of the legs, spine.
  • Phlebeurysm.
  • Scoliosis.
  • Radiculitis.
  • Hernia.
  • Hypertension.

Comments leave a comment
Sophia 13/09/2018 at 13:41

Not only exercises are important, but also additives + food. I have on an ongoing basis for better muscle growth SportExpert BCAAA ++ and heiner ... And the food is generally the most clean, with a surplus ... Pop grows well))

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