How to pump up the ass

How to pump up the ass

With proper physical exertion and regular training, it is possible to make the ass beautiful and elastic over a short period of time. Probably some people will be surprised, but good workouts should always be accompanied by proper nutrition and timely rest. Most often, if a person is interested in exercises, he has already encountered a problem and is in search of a solution. But if you understand the whole system of questions, there are late foods, snacks among the night, a sedentary lifestyle. You will have to adjust your daily diet if the work goes to high performance.

How to quickly pump ass - warm-up before training

Before starting all the exercises, warm-up is made to properly warm up your muscles, bring them into a working condition. Flexibility depends on the workout, which helps effectively work out all the necessary movements. It is impossible to turn yourself into a rink horse if the body is not yet accustomed to high loads. Exercises are made slowly, but confidently, and most importantly - right.


How to quickly pump ass - exercises for buttocks

Frontal squats

Rarely who remembers this exercise. Most often in the gym, classic exercises are performed with the hold of the rod on the shoulders. Frontal squats use the berium muscle very well, as well as quadriceps, calf muscles.

  • Legs are at a distance of an average between the width of the pelvis and the width of the shoulders, the socks look at the sides. The rod lies on the floor, the legs touch the grid. The fingers of the hands fall on the vulture so that the hands do not touch the legs. The shoulders hang over the vulture. Back straight, head looks straight.
  • The movement begins with a smooth lift, jerk and throwing the rod on the shoulders. Heels do not come off from the peel, it is best to keep the foot exactly on the floor, and in case of balancing to carry the body weight on the outer sides of the stop. The rod stretches on the legs to the knees, passes the pelvis and the movement is added up shoulders in order to help throw the neck.
  • At the time of the shoulders and elbow, the brush must be tightened by itself, the rod is carried out as close as possible to the chest. After that, on a short moment, hands hang in the air. The elbows go ahead, and the vulture is held by several fingers, maintaining the weight on the shoulder shelf.
  • During the squatches of elbows, they plan as high as possible, strive forward to the ceiling, not giving a row to fall.
  • In order to lower the bar, the elbows turn back. The bar is tightly held with his hands.
  • Each movement must be monitored and work.

Mahi back on the simulator

  • Exercise is simple and efficient. For the correctness of the execution, suitable weight is selected.
  • Hands hold behind the support of a strong grip. The back is a little tilted forward.
  • In the straightened position, the foot is smoothly allotted back. During the inverse movement of the stop does not get along with the other foot. Stops behind, being in a stressed state and returns backwards.

Fucks ahead with dumbbells

  • This exercise can be performed both in the hall and at home. For attacks need dumbbells.
  • The back is always straight, the blades are reserved back. It is very important that the knee of the leg, which becomes ahead, did not go out for the sock. Thus, the knee injury is removed. The second leg bends in the knee, gets back and keeps on the wear all the exercise.
  • Hands hold dumbbells on straight limbs, a smooth movement down, the knee of the back leg to the floor. The knee cup in no case relates to the floor.
  • Further, the rear leg is extended at the top point and bend again in the bottom.

A person who is systematically engaged in sports, feels heavier at the physical level than the average resident. Also, the athletes are less ill, they look better and are not afraid of depressive states. Sport is an excellent type of entertainment that does not make a reason to think about the bad, stimulates on development. Passing the stage of physical self-improvement, a large number of people will never return to the past life. Changes running in increasing endurance, forces, perfectly temper the character.

Comments leave a comment
Chloe. 09/13/2018 at 13:43.

It will not work quickly, unfortunately ... this is a long process ... workout, food, additives. I have here on an ongoing basis SportExpert BCAAA ++ (endurance attached), protein (helps the protein you want) and the heiner helps to breed carbohydrates ... and the massoneboard)) but the prosta is already straight, I am very pleased with your forms))

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