How to pump back

How to pump back

In the gym, experts argue that it is impossible to pump up their back on their own at home. But if there is no other exit, then this does not mean that you need to refuse from the dream. And independently you can easily and quickly lead yourself to an excellent physical form and quickly pump up.

How to pump up your back - what to pay attention to

If the work schedule does not allow, the budget is limited to the gym, then the training can be organized at home.

What to take into account:

  • you need to do constantly, without breaks. Schedule for beginner: classes twice a week. Once a week is not suitable, because the results can be waited for a long time, and more often there is no need, because the body has not yet managed to get used to new sensations and loads;
  • training your back muscles are needed: performing 3 approaches for one workout. Each exercise to make a maximum of 15 times, at least 10-12 times;
  • it is important to learn how to feel your body. As soon as an understanding of the feeling of every muscle group comes, it's time to go to the next stage of training and increase the number of approaches. Muscles should work "to failure";
  • you need to start with warm-up and warming up, and end - stretching. Power exercises - middle of the training process;
  • every training session should be started with basic exercises (1-2), and to end with insulating when the load is given to a maximum only on a specific muscle;
  • food: 30% - proteins, 50% - complex carbohydrates (correct), fats - 20% (nuts, red fish, vegetable oils).

How to pump back

Training should be alternating, the exercises change to the muscles get used to different types of load.

First exercise unit for beginner:

  • You will need dumbbells to develop the widest muscles of the back. You first need to work the right side, then left. By the way, during the exercise, you will notice that one side can be load better than the other. Because the muscles of the back of the right part traveled in the right hand better than left and vice versa. Source position: legs on the width of shoulders, a little bent into the knees. The case needs to be lowered 90 degrees, rebuilt lower back. In this position, take dumbbells, the elbows should "look" up. Lifting gravity until the blades are connected together, slowly lower the dumbbells. Exercise does not rush to the muscles to stretch gradually.
  • Common exercise for the study of the muscles of the back: pulling up on the crossbar. The grip of the hands - straight, palm should be a little wider than the shoulders. Tightening up to the maximum (Try the chin to touch the crossbar), then you need to smoothly drop into its original position, the elbow joints are direct. It is very important to capture the crossbar correctly - the thumbs remain free without capture, then the load will be distributed just on the muscles of the back.
  • And again dumbbells, exercises for hands alternately. You need to choose a convenient workout area so that one hand worked, and the second - rested in a flat surface. Keep the dumbbells in his right hand, the foot is straight, left hand - stop, palm is located strictly under the shoulder. The back is straight, the loin is frightened, the dumbbell pulls up, the torso in one plane with the dumbbell. You need to be laid out to the maximum that the muscles are well reduced. Return to the initial position, the number of repetitions 12. Then another hand.

Second exercise block:

  • When the muscles are already slightly accustomed to the load, you can begin to master the basic exercise, which is called "becoming". It is necessary to work with dumbbells, only first it is important to warm up the muscles well. Right position: standing, legs on the width of the shoulders, lower back. The knees are a little bent, in their hands - dumbbells, hands - omit in front of you. How to do this exercise: a slow tilt, the case must be placed parallel to the floor, hands with dumbbells to press the body. Straighten and return to its original position.
  • Narrow grip with tightening - study of the lower wide muscles of the back. Tightening is classic, only palms need to put almost exactly to each other so that the fingertips are side.
  • Insulating exercise completes the training process. It will take any flat surface: sofa, chair or bed. Only the surface should be solid. Feet - securely fix it (bend in knees with focus on the sofa). Plain back, palm - in the castle on the back of the head. Go down, then raise your back (straight!) Up the maximum. Exercise is performed without a jerk.

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