How at home to pump up

How at home to pump up

Spectacular and attractive buttocks are the dream of many representatives of the beautiful half of humanity. Lifestyle, age-related changes, singularities and reduced motor activity are able to spoil even once attractive forms. And if the nature "carefully" bypass this part of the body, then it is simply shown.

When contacting professional fitness coach, you will probably get a qualified consultation with regard to the necessary exercises. But it is not always possible to get to such specialists. The given set of exercises can be performed at home, at a convenient time for you, and the result will not make yourself wait.

Training rules to pump up

Several simple rules will help make training more productive and helpful:

  • Optimal time for classes is the morning or evening (until 20:00) - depending on the individual biological rhythm.
  • Exercises must be performed regularly (3 or more times a week).
  • The number of approaches and increase load should occur gradually.
  • Alternate classes with aerobic training. Active sport is enough to devote twice a week for 1 hour.

Exercises to pump up the ass

Mahi to the sides

Stand on all fours, the emphasis on the palm. Flexing the lower limb in the knee and assigned to the side. It is parallel to the floor on the same level with the case. Next, straighten your leg, withdrawing a foot to the side. After - return back to the initial position. For each leg you need to make a minimum of 15 repetitions.

Walking on the buttocks

Sit on the ass. Legs straight, hands stretched out in front of him. Having advanceed alternately and the right thigh forward, make 15-20 "steps". After - likewise return back stepping back.

Walking-on-the buttocks

Lifting legs

Lower on the stomach. Hands stretched forward. Right leg be off from the floor and try to raise it as much as possible. The limb during the movement remains straight. Similar steps 20 times do and left foot.


Go to your back. The lower limbs bend in the knees, slightly set (on the width of the shoulders) and pull the maximum to the buttocks. The upper limbs lie along the housing or under the buttocks. Increase the muscles of the press and butorous muscles raise the ass so that the chest, stomach and knees are formed by a straight line. Hold for 1-2 seconds and lower the buttocks to the floor. At the initial stages of repetition training should be a little - 10-15, but 2-3 approaches. As the muscles are used, the number of approaches should be reduced to 1, but increase the number of repetitions.

Mahi up

Located standing on all fours, focus on elbows. We break off the knee from the floor by 8-10 cm. This position will be the original one. In the bent position, output the right limb up. Next, lower it down, stopping before it on top peak for 1-2 seconds. Having dropped down, do not put it on the floor. After, without locking down at the bottom, again raise the limb up. Similar actions make both left foot. Repeat the exercise follows 15-20 times. Number of approaches - 3.

Vasses classic

Stand straight, housing vertically. Make a wide step forward and bend the foot. Slow on it until the corner in the knee becomes straight. Try not to swing at the same time, keep your back straight. Front leg effort is returned to the base position. Now turn the second leg. Make a fall to each foot 20 times. As training in hand, you can take weighting dumbbells (or any other cargo).

Fucks "Skaterbikes"

The initial position is standing, the legs are straight, hands are divorced around. Next, make the right foot wide step on the left side and bend it. The right limb should go to the left. Try to make a nice so low as soon as you can. The main emphasis is on the right foot. Hold your equilibrium with hands. Return to the initial pose and repeat similar actions with the left foot.


Lower on your back, place your hands along the housing. Feet - stretched straight. Raise them up and split them on the sides. Secure this position for 2 seconds. Next, deploy the limbs and bend them in the lap so that the left heel clums up with the right. Straighten your legs. Repeat exercise follows 10-15 times.

Moderate physical exertion performed on a regular basis will allow pumping muscles and give the desired outlines to the forms.

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Mira 13/09/2018 at 13:45.

Whatever they did not speak in fact it is possible. The resistance exercises are very helpful + food with a surplus, of course, and additives (I have Sportspert BCAAA ++ and Prot. Bangchiki). That's all, in principle ... I'm so for six months of home training 5 cm in the pope added))

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