How to pump legs at home

How to pump legs at home

Pumping legs at home is quite possible by setting the goal. Systematically performing a complex of special exercises, you will see the result after a month or two. It is very important to give a load on the legs every day (or at least every other day). In this article, we will consider the most effective exercises for pumping legs at home, as well as the features of their proper execution.

How at home to pump legs - run

Running and fast walking - these are the most effective ways to pump up the muscles of the legs. Jogging into small distances, with each week increasing the distance, the muscles of the legs will quickly strengthen. Start running in the mornings or in the evenings, gradually increasing the load. You can buy weightlifiers for each leg - training will be more effective. To begin with, enough one kilogram on the leg: it's hard to run with weights, but it is worth it.

Eating an hour before or after running is not recommended.

How at home to pump legs - the right squats

About what squats - a quick way to make legs strong and strong, know everything. But how to do this exercise, no one thinks. Here are the main points of the proper exercise:

  • Satures will be much more efficient with weighting (dumbbells weighing 2 kg and more).
  • Exercise perform on semi-baked legs, with a straight back. You must feel your weight on the heels, the knees are divorced.
  • Your knees should not go out of the foot line, if this happens, then you do the exercise incorrectly.
  • Captures are performed as deeper, the thigh should be parallel to the floor.
  • The deeper the dictate - the better and more efficiently workout.

Imagine an invisible highchair, which you sit down every time, performing a critic, carrying a body weight back, on the heels - this is the correct technique of performing good squats.

Squats perform in three approaches ten times, every day increasing the load. Before the cries, it is recommended to warm up well - make a warm-up. For this, running on the spot with high-raised knees during one-card minute, waving his hands from side to side, lungs forward, backwards.

How at home to pump legs - lunges

Fucks - also a good exercise for pumping legs, but these simple exercises should be performed correctly. The attacks are made forward with the distribution of weight on the front leg, back and to the side - 15 times in three approaches.

  • When performing the hip exercise should be parallel to the floor.
  • The knee should not be behind the shoe line.
  • The deeper the lunge, the more efficient training.
  • Exercises are performed slowly, feel every muscle on the legs.
  • The back is straight, a small slope is allowed.

How at home to pump up legs - the exercises with a rubber ball

Exercises with a rubber ball for the inside of the hip:

  • Sit on a solid surface.
  • Helm the ball between the bent legs as much as possible (instead of the ball you can take a dense pillow).
  • Sleep the ball.
  • Repeat this exercise 15-20 times.
  • Mahi's legs help for weight loss. Lie on the side, please pick up the bottom leg at an angle of 90 degrees. Top legs perform maugh 30 times per face.

Make these simple exercises every day, and the result will not wait long for a long time. It is very effective to combine exercises with the right nutrition.

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