How to pump wings

How to pump wings

Wings are the widest spinal muscles that hold the posture in the literal position. It is to strengthen the back, many seek to pump wings, but this is not the only reason. Thanks to this group of muscles, the torso men looks wider. To look courageous, teenagers begin their classes in the gym precisely from pumping wings. There are several fundamentally different techniques using which you can pump your wings.

If there is no desire to spend money, paying the subscription to the gym, you can use the usual horizontal bar. To perform exercises, you need to hang on the crossbar. Hands should be divorced as widely as possible, it will increase the load. The legs should hang in the air. It is necessary to sneak from the crossbar, raising the body and the head of the head in front of the horizontal bar, touching his shoulders. To increase the load, you can use burden.

Another excellent way, with which it will be possible to expand the torso, is pressing from the floor. At the same time, it is desirable that the body falls below the support on which there are hands. This can be achieved by pressing from the chair or stool, tilting the body forward.

How to pump wings

Using dumbbells, you can strengthen and increase the size of the wings. To perform exercises, it is necessary to take a vertical position. At the same time, the housing is to lower the angle of 90 ° between the upper and lower part of the body. Take into each of the hands on dumbbells and lower them down. Drag hands in such a way that they become one level with shoulders. There should be a straight line. At the same time, the head should look in front of him. The number of approaches and the weight of the dumbbells is chosen depending on the initial physical training. In the future, it is necessary to increase the weight of the dumbbells and raise your hands as high as possible. If there are no dumbbells, they can be replaced with sandbags with sand or plastic water bottles.

How to pump wings

There is another exercise that is performed using dumbbells. It is necessary to bend one leg in the knee and rely on it on the bench. The second leg is straight and stands on the floor. Take a dumbbell in hand, which is from the side of the straight leg. Bending your hand in the elbow so that its upper part formed one line with shoulders.

For prepared athletes used rod. In order to pump the wings of a barbell, you need a feet to dilute the width of the shoulders and bend them in the knees, tilt the housing a little forward. At the same time, the lower back is rumored. Rod to take a straight grip. Raise the load in front of you, bending your hands in the elbows. At the same time, the elbows should move towards the back.

How to pump wings

Results can be achieved in several months of systematic training. It is recommended to gradually increase the load. It is worth understanding that the wings are a complex region, so at the initial stage it is worth not overdoing.

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