How to learn to pull up from scratch quickly

How to learn to pull up from scratch quickly

Tightening at the crossbar is one of the universal ways to train the body. In addition, it is the most affordable, since the horizontal bar can be found on any playground. When tightening, you develop and strengthen almost all muscle groups. If you can not raise your body never, then learn, following the recommendations of this article.

When tightening great importance is the right grip. Come to the horizontal bar and grab it so that the fingers of the hands look from you, and the thumb wrapping the crossbar on the other side. Immediately it is necessary to make a reservation if you feel overweight, it will not be able to learn how to smack. You need to lose weight up to normal. To do this, sit on a healthy diet and act according to the following plan.

Get a notebook where you will make your achievements. In it, make up the workout plan. 5 days a week you should do to achieve goals as soon as possible. If you have never been involved in sports and the level of your preparation is zero, then train muscles for the first five days.

Press the floor by putting hands in different positions. If you do not know how to press with smooth legs, then do it from the wall or on the bent lap. The most reliable way to work on the biceps is the bending of the hands standing with a barbell or dumbbells. Bring your indicators to 4 approaches of 8 lifts. The press is also important when tightening, because it works at least hands. Start training this muscle group, making lying 10 climbs of 6 approaches.

Go to a low horizon, hang on it, holding hands with the right grip in a bent condition. Try to stay in this position as long as possible or at least go down slowly, not a sharp drop. In your notebook, write down how many seconds you lasted with legs, cut off from the ground. After trying again, repeat pushups. Do not forget to record the results in the notebook.

A week later, you would notice that your muscles were significantly stamped and accustomed to the loads. Now you can go to the present pulling. Come to the high planner, hang on it and try pulling your body. Perhaps you can not yet raise yourself completely, but even the slightest change in the position of the body - already the result that is worthy of writing in notebook.

If you are engaged in the company with a comrade, ask him to help you pull up a crossbar. So the muscles feel better than the right load. Do not let yourself relax and entrust all the work on a friend's shoulders. His task is just a little push you.

Talnik 3.

For those cases when workouts are in solitude, good attempts to pull up a jerk. After you have achieved the desired position, do not fall down, and hold on about 40 seconds in the hanging condition, then slowly go down, without relaxing the muscles immediately. Make so many repetitions as much as the strength is enough.

All these exercises repeat daily in combination with pressing. To improve efficiency, take 3-5 approaches of each exercise. As soon as you raise to the maximum, the head will be higher than the crossbar, it means that you have learned to pull up. Now your task is to continue training and increase the amount of pull-ups.

In sports, the main thing is persistence and consistency of classes. Alone, lead the training diary, it will help you motivate yourself to work. Even better if you do with the other, constantly comparing the results. Each set of exercises, including pull-ups, start with a workout. During physical exertion, breathe correctly, it will protect your heart from unnecessary loads and will ensure its correct operation.

Comments leave a comment
novel 02/08/2015 at 11:14

It is also important to choose a good horizontal bar. Often people are lazy to go outside, but at home they are engaged in the horizontal bar with pleasure.

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