How to learn how to stand in your hands

How to learn how to stand in your hands

Want to learn how to stand in your hands? In most cases, fear becomes the main obstacle. A person is afraid to fall and get injuries.

In fact, there are three reasons that prevented to master the rack on their hands:

  • high weight;
  • weak muscles of hands;
  • lack of flexibility.

That is why in order to master this skill, it is necessary to develop flexibility in itself, overcome fear. If there is an overweight, you will have to say goodbye to it.

How to learn how to stand in your hands

Major exercises helping to perform a stand on hands are a brunette, classic benchmarks and squats. Almost all judoists can stand in their hands, this is due to the development of all muscles and excellent equilibrium. Everyone who wanted to become in hand thinks that it is enough to pump them, but in fact this is not enough. To get rid of fear, you need to ask you to ask a friend or instructor to maintain you at the beginning. Mata's beds, so that in case of fall, you did not break anything. After several drops on soft mats fear will disappear.

How to learn how to stand in your hands

Now it is necessary to strengthen the muscles of the abdominal press and buttocks. They will help the rack to go to the "bridge" position and climb from it to a vertical position. Try to fall on your knees, but balance, deviating back. Thus, you land on your feet and housing and find yourself on the bridge. Several times a day are tumbling forward and backward, it develops equilibrium and eliminates fear.

How to learn how to stand in your hands

The easiest way to be on the hands of the sitting position. To do this, go about the mat or mattress and put the top to the floor. One leg sharply lift over your head. Try to catch up with the second foot first. Most likely, you will be able to stay in a vertical position for a few seconds. This is due to the weakness of the muscles of the back and inability to retain balance.

How to learn how to stand in your hands

You can become on the hands of standing, but it is quite difficult to do, since the head will not support the body and all load will be distributed in hand. The poet is necessary for hands being pumped. To perform the rack, raise your hands above your head and take them away a little on the sides. Give the leg forward, and sharply trying to make a knuckle, lift both legs up. In order to keep the torso in this position, you must have excellent flexibility. Try to balancing, breaking the legs over your head slightly, after you stop wandering in different directions, connect the legs. In no case, do not bend your legs, you will definitely fall back.

How to learn how to stand in your hands

The easiest way to learn how to stand in your arms with the walls. To do this, the wall will spread the mat or mattress. Measure about two metro and make a wide step, bending the leg in the knee. Now put your head on the top of the wall and get the legs back. Enroll your feet of the wall. When you find yourself in a steady position, try to tear the heels from the wall. First, you will succeed only a few seconds to stand in your hands, but soon your body will get used to constant loads, and you can perform a rack for a long time.

How to learn how to stand in your hands

If you are not in the best physical form, try to put yourself in order. Start classes with simple exercises to strengthen your back and hand muscles. Help exercises for the development of flexibility.

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