How to go on hands

How to go on hands

A very interesting spectacle can be contemplate, seeing a man walking on his hands. And the desire to ask is involuntarily to ask - why it is necessary. Well reflection, you understand, because the muscles of the back, hands and shoulders are strengthened. Develop physical and spiritual balance.

Movement in the hands is a very difficult trick. You can master this skill, manifesting perseverance and strength. Having a desire, anyone can learn how to walk upside down. First you need to learn to stand on your hands, for this you need to prepare well, since this part of the body you have to withstand all your weight. You must simply train your hands using exercise.

In order for the upper limbs to make more enduring, preferably for a day, to make pressure from the floor for a day and spend your hands with dumbbells. When performing this exercise, keep the ridge smoothly. Perform systematically and right. If you can without much difficulty squeezing from the floor 50 times without stopping - you are already close to the goal.

The next stage is the battlefield, back, it was you at school in physical education. You will need to perform the battlefields correctly, so as not to fall when you cannot hold exactly the rack. You must be able to group if you do not want to damage your back or get any other injury when falling.

Now, after the first two stages passed, we turn to the third - the stand on the hands of the wall. To fulfill this exercise will be quite difficult, you need an assistant. For this, the person who insures you is next to you and suggests how to do the exercise. It is necessary to become a kneel at the wall at a distance of 50 cm, then repel from the floor by the bottom limbs, the assistant in the meantime holds the legs, simultaneously helps to align in parallel with the wall.

The assistant then removes his hands, and you yourself stand around one minute. Very bad if you want to bend your legs in your knees or decide to blame them. When performing this exercise, do not burn your back, do not bend into the hands of the elbows, than you will be more than you - the base will be stronger. Hold the body smoothly without bends, shoulders do not stick, put your hands on the width of the shoulders, the beginning of the support without changes. Case in Pose Cleck.

It is possible to stand differently on the upper limbs: with bending back or forward with legs bent. Start with a candle post, it will be easier to catch your balance. Over time, as you learn how to stand at the wall and you will understand that you can slowly remove from it.


The partner is still slightly imparting you, and you already freely perform all the elements from different supports. Increase the rack time, you already control the assistant less. During the hand, you feel like stomach sticks to the vertefing, shoulders shrink. As soon as you feel that you can raise, Kuwarks should be done, which was rehearsed in advance.

Finally you have achieved the desired. Muscles are strong enough, and you have on your own, you can begin Complex process - walking on hand brushes. Difficulty is observed exclusively in the learning process, good insurance, perseverance in studies Confidence will help you quickly learn how to walk in your arms.


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