How to learn to swim in the pool

How to learn to swim in the pool

Not everyone is given in childhood learn to swim. It's a shame when you go to the rest with friends, everyone bathe, and you are shy. Therefore, you sit on the sidelines, sunbathe, you do not decide to approach the water. Here it is necessary to think, and maybe it's time to master the technique of swimming. There is a pool for this. It is there that the competent instructor will pick you up the desired set of exercises, thanks to which you will no longer feel embarrassed in the society of lovers to swim in the river, on the lake, etc.

For a hike to the pool, medical examination is required that you are healthy. Great, if you make a towel, shampoo, soap, washcloth with you. I use the lady bathing suit, male smelting. Take slippers, swab hat. Many coaches advise the use of special glasses, as chlorine for disinfection is added to the water. They are usually given in the pool, but it is better to purchase an accessory himself.

Training mainly begin next to the pool bowl. First, the warm-up is made. Sitting on a bench, pull the straight legs forward, move them alternately up, down. The same movements repeat on the stomach, then back. Make circular movements with hands (in standing position). Now you are ready. You can go to the pool. It is better to descend the stairs back forward and hold on hand by hand.

The next step instructor teaches the ward, how to breathe when in contact with water. Hands are kept overboard, leg legs, do a breath open mouth, go into the water, slowly exhaling your nose. So repeat 10-14 times. It is important not to interrupt, be calm and relaxed.


Now fit to the main thing - learning to stay on the surface of the water. Inhale the air, squat, clamp your knees. The more air gained the lungs, the better the water pushes. Fully relax, the body begins to pop up. How much will it work, hold your breath. Then slowly exhaling through the nose and mouth air. Become to the bottom, repeat the exercise again again. There is an exercise "Star". Again, dial air. Extending on the sides of the hand, legs, go to the water face down or on the back. Do not raise your head, otherwise there will be sinking legs. Make this complex until it turns out the correct execution. Some can be easily learn, others do not exercise on the water. A specialist for everyone finds his approach. The main thing is not to skip the workout.

In class you gradually get rid of the fear of water. Uncomplicated, sometimes funny exercises will help move in water like fish. For example, hold the edge with your hands, and better ask someone to support you. Legs make moves down, up (alternately). At first will fly splashes. Then learn how to act correctly. Start the next step - slip. Cancel the air, straighten your hands forward, keep them together. Relieve your legs from the bottom, go to the water, the face lower down, move your feet. Follow the right breathing: the head was raised (inhaling the mouth), lowered into the water (slow exhalation). Make the same exercise on your back, just keep your hands close to the body. It is much easier to breathe on the back, it's not necessary to dive into the water.

After mastering the slip techniques, you will remain choose which style in swimming is more suitable. Teach him and swim on health. If you wish, learn everything. The most important thing is that you now have a bunch of positive emotions when contacting water.

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